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TUTORIAL: Bondage Basics – How To Tie Up A Leg

Together with THE PUPPETEER, a great Bondage Master from the Netherlands, we present you some Basic Bondage Know-How. Last week we showed you how to make a column tie. Today, we’re gonna teach you how to apply this knot to tie up a leg. Or any limb really. The method is always practically the same.

The column tie is, simply put, THE bondage tie. You can use it for tying almost any two things together, whether it’s leg to leg, arm to leg, arm to arm, arm to pole … It’s one of the most versatibly usable knots when it comes to bondage, and used almost everywhere.

Video Tutorial

Written Tutorial

Step 1: Split your rope into two parts and wrap it around the leg 2 times. Make sure to not lay it on the inner leg muscle (should feel harder to the touch), as it very quickly can pinch muscle and nerves can feel very painful for the sub.

Step 2: Go with the looped end over all other rope, go behind around the wraps once and take it out the front again.

Step 3: Take the long end around your finger, lay the looped end on top, go around the long end with it and pull it through the gap you created with both ends. For a detailed description of the knot, go to our last tutorial.

Step 4: With the long end, go forth and back (first under, then over) the wraps in the gap between calf and upper leg. Be careful not to pull on the rope too fast, as that can give rope burns. Not fun, especially in an area where you got a joint.

At this step, you can either make a knot and be done with it if you wanna go for the quick version. Otherwise you can proceed with the next step for a more secure, comfortable and cool looking version.

Step 5: Instead of going over the wraps in the end of the last step, go under them. Afterwards, take the rope and go up with it around the knee. Hook it into itself, and make your way back around the knee again. Now, either wrap it around the hook you just made, or make a second one besides it. Afterwards, go back down behind the wraps (the 2 you made in step 1) where you started this step.

This is another time you could be done, if you secure your ropework with another knot now.

If you wanna see how to secure your subs hand to the leg, continue with the next step.

Step 6: Take your subs hand and lay it onto the bindings you made (between the upper and lower wrap. Take the left rope and go up over your subs wrist, then secure it by going behind the upper wraps. Afterwards, go down again over the subs wrist and secure it again.

Step 7: Wrap the rope around inbetween the leg and hand

Step 8: Make some knots using the leftover rope. Best do them behind the wrists of the sub, so he can’t reach and try to undo them 😉

Congratulations! You’re done! We hope you have fun trying out your newly aquired skills, and see you again in the next tutorial of this series!

This lecture has been presented by:

The Puppeteer

The model was:

Mr Cute Ass Piraat

Produced by:


Hey, I'm Se7en, one of the authors and guys behind sadOsam. I'm an all around kinky puppy that enjoys to explore new things and talk to interesting people. Don't be shy to hit me up if you like, I promise I won't bite. Fair warning though, I'm a slow replier, quite busy on here usually :)

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