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The Darklands ’19 Experience

Here we are back again in the office, exhausted but happy after a great trip to Antwerp in Belgium. The first get together of the European fetish year is becoming bigger and better. Jeroen and his team are organising an amazing fetish event for the 10th time.

What Makes Fetishpride Belgium So Unique?

In my eyes it is the “under one roof” concept. That means that all kinksters are staying from friday to sunday always at the same place.

During day time you have a big fetish fair, an exhibition with stands from different fetish labels, associations, fetish artists and more. Of course there is also a demonstration area where people show different kinky techniques.

Kinkster Fair

One of the main attraction of the day programm is the big kinkster fair. You can walk around, inform yourself about new toys and gear, try and test them, talk with guys from different fetish associations, let bootblacks work on your boots, use the rubber shine service, watch the work of kinky artists, get a haircut or temporary tattoo, and much more. It is nice to have such a various offer at one place. Like Ikea also Darklands is offering a big ball bath but here you don’t park your children. It is the area to park your pup. 🙂 While having a drink, talking with old and new friends you can also follow several kinky demonstrations.

Kinkster Knowledge

One of the guys doing demonstrations was The Puppeteer, a real rope artists who love to make boys fly. Hi, you’ve been doing several suspension shows during Darklands again. How was your Darklands 2019?

The Puppeteer: Well it was a marathon run for me. I did 3 shows and a lot of bondage at the Demostand. But I managed to walk around to look at the shop- stands. And to go to the partys. I found the atmosphere very chilling and relaxed during the day, and had some nice chats with friends and people who know me from the old Tumblr and Twitter.

The partys wasn’t my thing, was a lot of fucking and not nice places to play with my ropes or whips.

Kinkster Elections

At the same time you can visit workshops, watch many different shows and elections, having some food and drinks and the most important …. you meet kinky people from all over to socialise.

One of the elections, which have been yet another time a great success, was the election of Mr. Puppy Europe. The participating puppies have had to present themselves several times on stage and have also had to fulfill other tasks and duties. It was nice to see that the Mr. Puppy event is growing and that they have achieved to bring together a big audience until the last minute of the event. One of the busy dogs was Pup Matt, who has won the title of Mr. Puppy Europe last year and member of the jury this year. Hi Matt. Darklands 19 is history, your successor is elected and “normal” dog life can restart. But before you do that, please tell us, how your Darklands 19 experience was.

Pup Matt: It was my 3rd Darklands and I was very excited and stressed at the same time about this weekend :

Excited because I will see a lot of friends and meet new people, and because I will transmit Mister puppy Europe Title.

Stressed because I knew that schedule will be crazy and that it will be difficult for me to have time to do everything I wanted to do, and meet all people I wanted to spend time with.

But now we have also to ask his successor about his experiences. I think for him Darklands’19 will be the Fetishpride Belgium he will always keep in memory. Hey Buumi, first of all congratulations, you’re the new Mr. Puppy Europe and I know you’ve had a very busy programm during Darklands. But can you tell us, how your Darklands 19 experience was?

Pup Buumi: This is my 3rd Darklands, and year on year it gets bigger and better. The main stage is always impressive, and this year was no exception. It was fun to look at and fantastic to perform on, the pup performances are always great to watch on Sunday afternoon. The elections are always a high point for me, and the on stage discussions really showed that our communities are in great hands, and are moving forward with new ideas and purpose. It was also great to see so many pups in attendance, and to see them included in all parts of the proceedings.

From what I saw, all the pups had a great time and were welcomed by all. Of course, I got to perform on the main stage, and was elected Mr Puppy Europe 2019. Both of which made this years Darklands one of my favourites, and one which will stay long in the memory.

The other European ellection was the Mr. Rubber Europe election. Last year Michael, a Swiss lover of hardcore rubber has won and he was busy with a lot of duties during the event and also involved in the election of his successor . Hi Michael, Darklands ’19 has ended and your sash is in the good hands of your sexy Belge successor Dries van Hemelen, who was representing Austria at the contest. What was your highlight of Fetishpride Belgium 2019?

Michael: The 10th birthday of Leather & Fetish Pride Belgium with great Mister elections, cool parties and a market that was fantastic for shopping and socialising to meet friends and make new acquaintances. Also exciting what Jeroen has in store for next year.

My most wonderful highlight was as I came on stage the last time and the audience welcomed me with such applause. It touched me deeply in my heart. I am so thankful.

In our review video you can see that Avenge & Flash Pups have been elected as Mr. Super Hero Fetish 2019. Last but not least there has also been a national election of the host country during Darklands: Bernhard Mathieu has been elected as Mr. Leather Belgium 2019.

Kinky Parties

Darklands has also a great programm at evenings and most of it are in the same venue as the day event. That is one of the points which make the Fetishpride Belgium such a great event in my eyes. Even if there are different parties you are all under one roof and you can socialise also with friends who are into another fetish because also their party is at the same venue. Let’s ask our party animal Cassy about his experiences at Darklands ’19.

Cassy: The parties at night were one of the main reasons this event was a very memorable one. After we fragmented into our own ad hock dinner plans following a busy day of excursion and splendour. We all once again descended upon this dark iconic hanger nestled within this beautiful industrial dockland. It was party time. The music could already be heard upon approach, unrelenting, luring you in. What a sight once inside. Everyone had made top effort, flaunting some extraordinarily horny designs for all to gaze. You couldn’t help but smile at all this spectacle had to offer. So much dancing and some very memorable characters stealing you away to the darker corners. You know who you are. Some awesome music sets to get you really riled up and surface the inner drone in everyone. Any concept of time was abolished as these beautiful kinksters parties on into the very early hours. What a wonderful experience! And we had to do it all over again the next day. Of course! Thank you Darklands. See you next Feb.

Fuck & Fist Sound

No party without music and I was happy also to see a nice little Dutch pup on stage as one of the many great DJs playing his set. Hi Sada, how was it to have a gig during this great event and how was your Darklands 19 experience?

Pup Sada: It was actually my second time to do a set at Darklands, but the first one was kind of a disaster. I learned from that and prepared myself much better the second time and i am really proud of myself for that. I had a lot of fun with it and was interesting to see that a puppy dj could pull that kind of attention from the people that were just passing by the stage. I would love to do it again, but hope i maybe get a chance to have a gig at one of the parties at night.

Other than that Darklands 2019 couldn’t have been better for me. I met a lot of new people and spend time with friends that i have not seen in quite a while. I also had a lot of fun taking pictures outside with pup Snap, because the wheater was absolutely perfect and he had some pretty funny picture ideas. I didn’t really spend much time on looking at the shops or performances on the stage, other than supporting my friend Kriszly who was in the very first european bootblack contest. Overal a wonderful weekend with a bunch of new and old pupper buddies that i would love to see again in the future.

Kinky Cruising & Sex Shows

Last but not least we have also to talk about the sexual part of this event. The darkrooms have had again a evolution. They have been busy and crowded and the many moanings are testimonials that they have also had their satisfying use. But also on stage you have had the possibility to watch hot guys in action. Hi Ale. You’ve been the responsible guy for all the sexy guys having hot action on stage. How have your boys been doing and what was for you the highlight of the sex shows?

Ale Tedesco: This year I had a great team and I am very proud of them. As usual I try to have on stage different types of men and nationalities. This year, on top of that, I tried also to have the all different colours of love as pride, even a leather pride is about love and respect.

In my team I had five beautiful sexy men:
Oscar Wood hot skinny guy from Poland, Yoshi Kawasaki a dirty Japanese pig, Ray Diesel a big black American pornstar and when I say big … you know what I mean eh eh eh, Frankye T an Italian stallion, and finally myself the dirty daddy! Each of our scene was in line with theme of Darklands, so we had Gayliens, Metropolis…ex, Walking Dad, the gay after with all costume, music and video supporting these scene.

& Socalising … All Of That UNDER ONE ROOF

Of course there are voices telling, that such events are just a kinkster carneval or a huge fetish runway. YES it is. But that is nothing bad. It is a place you meet people who are also into kinks, it is a place where you can be whatever you feel that you are, a place where you can live and of course also celebrate your way to live your sexuality. A place to feel free and to have fun. And it is a place where you can see that you’re not the only weird guy in this world. The offer you get in Antwerp all under one roof and the way you get it is really unique for me. But at the end it is a get together of many kinksters of different fetishes … and Darklands is in my eyes one of the best of it. So guys, c u again in Antwerp next year and if you haven’t been there for Darklands so it is time that you save the date to do your first Darklands experiences in February 2020. You’ll enjoy it!

Hey, if you're cruising on KINKFINITY, you probably know I'm the master of this fetish blog. BDSM isn't just sex for me; it's a lifestyle I've embraced for over 25 years. Along the way, I've met some fantastic kinksters—some dropping by my massive 200m2 dungeon for parties, others for days or weeks, and a few as 24/7 long-term slaves. Swing by my Bluesky account for more:

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