Today’s talk partner is someone who probably incorporates a widely spread wank fantasy. At least one half of it. Because for sex with twins, you need two. Hey Leon, you and your brother got sex with each other and offer the service in escorting. Alright, before the big storm comes now, I want to keep on record that the whole thing is not illegal in Germany. Because if you go by the law, you technically don’t have incest. That is defined by penetration of the vagina through a closely related penis. And I don’t see a vagina on you, even if you both like to be pussyboys 😉 Ok, let’s go right to the thing that most readers will be dying to know right now. How did you two discover sex with each other?
TwinLeon (1992 | 176 cm | 68 kg): Hi Marc. To go into your law argument first: The mention of that is not unreasoned. The question of legality does come up from time to time. And it’s not widely spread that this only applies between boys and girls. Alright, to be fair, its not a really day to day question, sex between brothers is something rare and taboo- subject. Not a topic that comes up normally, even in the curiosity loving and difficult to embarrass gay world 🙂
But I don’t want to keep the readers on the edge – The question how this sex thing came to be is also quite high on the FAQ list for us.
As identical twins we naturally were very close to each other right from the beginning. The first real body contact with sexual component was, if I remember right, with 7 or 8 years. We were lying in the bed together shirtless – it wasn’t “clearly”, but it’s how I saved it in my felt memory.
The first knowingly sexual contact together we had with around 10 or 11 years. We had a sleepover at a school friend and secretly surfed on sex sites with him. Afterwards we tried to imitate them – we didn’t have much oral or anal, but it was great, and our first threesome, so to say. After that night, we went to his place more often than before xD My brother still was a little bit more reserved than me back then, but mentioned friend was quite the rascal – and a little hyperactive haha. But to my knowledge not gay today.
Alone with my brother I had some fun from time to time after we got 13. I still remember well how we had a fun night in a hotel room in Budapest when our parents took us to a short holiday there. Then, with 14/15 we suddenly took a break. Probably because we each went through our puberty. We didn’t have sex with each other fater that for years, although we tried to catch and watch the other masturbating sometimes in secret and see what porn sites he looked up on the internet haha. But more than that didn’t go on.
At the age of 20 we both had a… let’s say renaissance and expansion of our sacrilegous behavior. It was shortly after the first important exams in our studies, around night in the house of our parents. It was oral and we both came very hard, it was hot. And at first we did have a bad conscience, but that went away soon again. After that we regularly started having sex with each other. On “Planetromeo” or other gay webpages we weren’t even on yet back then, that only came later.

Before going into your expansions, I quickly want to go more into the serious side. The two of you are very open with this topic, and even though for many its a very hot fantasy, there are also many moralic preachers who like to talk into your conscience. How do you handle that, and what do you answer them, besides the legal aspect?
Well, you’re completely right there, even though the most reactions are very positive, there still are once in a while critic voices with moralic arguments.
We for example get asked if it wouldn’t be weird to have sex with your own brother. Once a totally unknown guy wrote hateful insults in our planetromeo guestbooks, where he wrote we were abnormal/perverted and such. I wasn’t on there for a time after that – in the meantime an admin, who saw those apparently deleted them. And such negative experiences are luckily very rare.
There still are people who write us sometimes and make a comparison to their own brother. But those are out of interest, not insult 🙂
Especially those who have a twin brother write that they could never even imagine having sex with him. However when I inquire more, I almost always find out that they are separate twins, which are a much more common/normal phenomenon and are completely different, not scientifically comparable with identical twins. Genetically they are more like normal siblings, who by chance get born in a very short time period.
But naturally it is also uncommon for identical twin brothers to have sex with each other. But even moralically the concerns are unsubstantiated, as long as both parties are of age, and especially are consensual with full willingness. I mean, even the german law article
§ 173 StGB, who concerns coitus between relatives of differing (!) gender, is quite controversed today. The german ethical comitee for example did plead for the annulment for the incest ban.
§ 173 StGB though does, as mentioned, not apply for homosexual sex, but still is fought over. That only shows how much less concern there is for homosexual incest. It never has been prosecutable and nobody yet brought me any well-based and substantiated moralic argument.

I see. Alright enough serious talk, because we all want to hear more dirty action details. After all we all are voyeurs here to some degree. so, I’ll ask a question now that you probably have on your FAQ list for soem time now too, but I know it terribly interests our readers: How is it to have sex with your own twin? What differentiates this sex from other, what makes it special for yourself?
Yes, that question does come often haha. As the most people don’t have an identical twin, its not easy to comprehend. Some ask themselves if it isn’t like kinda having sex with yourself? I always answer then half joking: Absolutely, it is! haha.
No, seriously: You can compare it a little. Of course you don’t fuck yourself and we both are completely separate individual humans with differences and an own sexuality, but physically we are after all extremely similar.
If the appearance and optics of my brother arouses me, I am aware that we look almost identical and I factually am fagging to my own appearance and optics and henceforth basically find myself hot. Sometimes I joke because of that: Can I find my twin hot, or would that be transcending narcissism, selfloving – or just the highest form of autosexuality? XD Nothing of this of course, but it is something very special for me, a very intense experience. Because of course I don’t think about how similar he looks during sex all the time. It’s there in my head somewhere, but definitely only in the background and not in the center. Thats occupied with other things.
That’s really all I can say to explain this special theatrical performance haha – else I can’t really describe it. You’d have to experience it up close and/or get into it 😉

Alright then my selfloving narcisstic pussyboy, now we go to the sharing: Do you still remember how it came to the first time you got a third guy into it and how you felt (and he too?) ?
As adults our first time was with a black american. That was more or less through accident. I myself am not extremely into black hung dudes as my brother xD We just created our profiles on planetromeo and he travelled a long way. We both were of course very excited, and met him at a park first, before going to our apartment. During the sex we both very bottoming and he switched between our holes and fucked us into the ground. It was a very hot experience :)) And he enjoyed it very much to fuck twins for the first time as well I think.
Just fucking? There is more to you and I know you’re kinkier. What do you and your brother like? What are the interests of you, and where do they align and disalign between you two?
Haha yes, there is indeed more. I’ll start with the similarities. We both LOVE asian guys. On the other hand, we also really like sex with guys who are quite a bit older than us. Latter one also gave us the idea to try out escorting. That we did out of curiousity, and we liked it very much and still do it out of fun from time to time.
We both like cuddle sex, but we also don’t have anything against harder stuff as well. Well as long as there isn’t any blood or extreme stuff, but else we’re up for a lot of play practices. Especially the Master – slave dynamic is something that gets both of us going very much. We both like more to take the submissive role in that, but lately we’ve also found to like the role of the master more, although we still have more practice and are used to the first. May also be cause we tend to look so innocent haha, although that look is deceiving. Spanking, Rimming, cuffs, bondage, feet, piss,…. there are a lot of things we like. I also make such stuff with my brother of course. There isn’t anything hotter than f. ex. lay down in 69 position and rim or blow each other.
About the differences: We both like much of the same things, but I would say my brother is slightly more into experimentation than I am and not exactly less submissive. That are just small things though. I’m just thinking that he once went to a party with a domina friend as a dog xD. He’s also more into black guys than I am. SM we both like a lot as I said, but we don’t need it every day haha. It’s the spice to mix up things sometimes.
You already mentioned it before: You both offer sex together for money providing gentlemen. I think that must be quite a well receiving offer, as there probably won’t be a lot of competition on willing and kinky twins. What are the primary wishes of your customers? Whats the stuff they look for when they book you?
I just mean, even if incest by itself is seen as ambivalent, sex between identical twins and not just normal siblings seems to be so spaced up that it’s seen as extra hot experience. Especially as most of our customers don’t have an own twin brother and don’t have to compare how it is to have sex with him. You can just enjoy that experience 😉 Haha yes, indeed, we have a lot of inquiries – it is something rare and special that we offer. One of the most requested wishes is probably that we have sex with each other. That most likely provides the extra kick they search. There just is something dirty, “forbidden” about the sex between identical twins – and that seems to draw them in. In today’s western civilisation there aren’t a lot of taboos anymore that you can break – incest is one of the last ones.
Some of our customers thought that our offer was fake in the beginning. But since we already are a little bit known now and we also have guest notes in our profiles that luckily only happens very rarely nowadays.
Anyway, we still get a lot of how it just is THE gay dream to have sex with identical twins somehow 🙂 even though there are also some customers who just want to have a threesome and don’t give too much of a fuck about the twin thing. Although those are very rare.
What does the brother say?

Hey Linus … what do you think about the answers of your brother and what has been the hottest sex ever you’ve had with him?
Even if my brother and me aren’t always on the same page: He did tell our everything well.
I can’t really say what the hottest sex between me and my brother was out of the moment, not least cause there were so many. A special kick always were special places, like in the forest, or the bonnet of a car, swimming pools under water. Or we fucked through one whole night once too. What I can say all in all, hottest it was definitely always with my twin brother.
As final closing words I can – hopefully without sounding too pathetic or anything – only encourage everybody to live himself out sexually. As long as it lies within basic reasonable ethical borders (no sex with minors or against the will of the potential sex partner) everything can be open to exploration and potential fun. Especially in the “not-western” societies that does not seem to be natural and a given yet. Pages like sadOsam here or “Planetromeo” and the “sacrilegous” behaviour like me and my brothers hopefully are helping to broaden the horizons of some of you readers and to make life more fun and happy. You can also feel free to write me and my brother. You can find us on planetromeo. And if you’re all too far away for a live date: There are surely soon some pornos of us out there 😉
Twins Leon & Linus

Hmm, this is very exciting. They are great looking guys and make a very nice impression!