Hello dear readers. I’m getting to talk to fun and all around kinky pup Founder today. Say Founder, could you give us a small introduction of yourself? Who’re you, what do you all like and are you into?
Hey there! Thanks for taking the time to chat with me! My name’s Founder – I’m a 30 year old puppy in Rochester, New York. I’ve been a part of the kink community at large for a few years now, but I’ve been dabbling in and exploring kink since I was a teenager. I’m into all sorts of scenes, but primarily rubber, bondage, ABDL, and watersports. There are very few things I won’t try/don’t want to try, it’s just a matter of the right opportunity with the right playmate. I am married to an amazing man who is simultaneously my best friend, partner, handler, daddy, and Sir, and we love exploring new kinks together, separately, and with friends.
Beyond kink, I love to cook (hosting dinner parties is fabulous fun), enjoy good drinks, tend to my house plants, and read (big sci-fi lover). Travel too, of course, when the world isn’t a mess.
Haha do you tend to combine the dinner parties with kink at times, or are you more the person to differentiate between kink life and daily life? How do you see fetish as for yourself?
For the longest time, my partner and I kept our kink interests and our social life entirely separate. That all changed after we went to our first event a few years ago (IML). As we started to make more connections that bridged the gap between social life and kink life, we wanted to be more open with our vanilla friends. Long story short: my kink “coming out” happened during Rochester Pride a few years ago. Unbeknownst to our friends along the parade route, I was marching with the local puppy group in full gear (poor choice, in hindsight, it was hotter than Hades). I ran right up to them and gave them a hug, and their faces lit up when the realized who I was. It was such an amazing experience and still gives me goosebumps.
Given how accepting they were, we made a point to share our interests more openly with close friends. Since then, we’ve had some fantastic conversations and experiences with those friends and even helped to bring a few of them into the community!
To answer your actual question, yes, sometimes dinner parties have some kink involved, depending on the guests! I really try to encourage sex positivity in our friend groups (according to their comfort level, of course). I love blending kink and fetish into my everyday life when I can and when it’s appropriate, but I also understand that not everyone is comfortable with that dynamic and try to be respectful.
It is lovely to hear how accepting your friends are 🙂 speaks for their and your character 😉 Also I love the thought that I might one day hear a beginning story in an interview as: ” One day one of my I believed to be vanilla friends at pride just run up to me in full gear and glomped me. That got me interested xD “
What’s yours though? You were interested since young, but what was your initial moment that brought you to explore, or where you thought that’s where you went down the rabbit hole so to say?
Right?? I love how a simple spark like that can light a fire in someone. It truly brings me joy to see others exploring new corners of their sexuality and embracing them.

I can’t say there was a definitive moment for me when I fell down the rabbit hole; it’s always been a slow, steady progression. I’m an ABDL, and, like many I know, always have been. For as long as I can remember, I’ve had an attraction to diapers. As a kid, I didn’t understand it and it felt very weird, but as a teenager I realized that a) it was a sexual and emotional thing for me and b) there were others out there into the same stuff. I bought my first pack of cheap drugstore diapers at 15 or 16 and that really helped me understand just how deeply seeded the fetish was for me. It wasn’t until I got into a serious relationship with another ABDL that I started to explore other kinks. It started with some entry-level bondage, but that was about it. It’s funny – years ago, I remember my ex in college telling me that he wanted to explore puppy play, and being very turned off by the whole concept. Ha.
It wasn’t until I met my now-husband that I started to explore new things in earnest. He was quite vanilla when we met. I knew from previous relationships that I needed to be upfront about my kinks because they were a huge part of my sexuality and I wasn’t willing to compromise on that. I told him about being an ABDL during some pillow talk when we were still very freshly dating and he was entirely open and accepting about it. Look where we are now! I opened the door and he ran right through it, and I’ve loved every second of our journey together. We went from keeping a chest in the closet with a few restraints in it to a dedicated dungeon play space in our basement!
Being upfront is such an important aspect for living healthy with kink. And it’s awesome you struck such gold with your husband 😉
Ok ABDL. You say it’s a deepseeded fetish for you. Can you explain that a little bit? What are it’s fascinations and feelings/headspace that you experience? How do you connect and play with it? More AB or more DL style?
It’s tough to put into words sometimes, but I’ll do my best. As said, my attraction to wearing diapers goes back to my earliest memories. When I was 5 or 6, my best friend wore pull ups to bed because she was a bedwetter. For whatever the reason, I thought that was super cool and I wanted to have to wear pullups, too. Something about that dependency on them, maybe? I also remember playing house with my siblings and volunteering to be the baby, because of course I did. In adolescence, that fascination blurred into a sexual desire. Interestingly, the very first time I ever masturbated was with a diaper that I got from a hotel vending machine when I was 12 or 13 years old.. maybe that cemented things for me, who knows! I’ve got some theories on how I think the fetish developed, but that’s another story.
Regardless, diapers mean a lot of things to me. They are inherently sexual, always have been and always will be an instant turn on. I love the sensation of warmth when I piss myself, the heft of the sogginess, the smooth, crinkling feeling of the outer plastic, the look of the tapes across my groin. Everything about them drives me wild. Everything. Hot boys/puppies/gimps in diapers.. woof. But, they also provide a real sense of security, safety, and comfort for me. In the right headspace, they allow me to regress and forget my adult troubles, just for bit. I sleep more soundly wearing a diaper, I feel more comfortable working from home in one. They increase my base-level of happiness day to day. During many parts of my life, diapers allowed me an escape from reality that helped me rest and heal.

These days, I typically fall more on the DL side than AB. But, with the right person in the right context, throw me in a onesie and give me a pacifier and I’ll be a good little puppy. Or, if I have a particularly crappy day, a soft, warm diaper (maybe with a cocktail in a sippy cup) is just what I need to unwind and forget my worries. Oftentimes the AB and DL lines blur, but I think that makes the whole experience a lot more fun.
I mean from what I could read, you generally seem to be somebody who likes to blur lines, also with abdl in combo pup play etc. Isn’t that true? What made that change of opinion there btw? And what do you see pup play as today for you?
Totally true! For me, kink is all about layers, both physical and metaphorical. For instance, diapers are great, obviously. But, they’re made better with my pup hood. And maybe with a butt plug. Definitely with my dick locked in chastity (currently on day 19 of 95 days locked!). Maybe throw me in the sleepsack for good measure and let me squirm for a while. Why not pipe some hypno into my headphones? Or should I get my catsuit too? The more layers, the happier I am! There is something incredibly freeing about being entirely engrossed in your element, engaged in a plethora of your favorite kinks and fetishes.

When you take a step back, kink and fetish play is super silly and absurd. We’re all a bunch of big goofballs, so I really try not to take anything in a scene too seriously. There’s no reason why any of these things can’t be mixed and matched. If it makes you happy, why the hell not? Have fun, go crazy!
As for puppy play, it’s less of a distinct headspace and more of my default these days, if that makes sense. Ironically, I really struggle to get into “serious” puppy headspace (speak in only barks, always on all fours, hood stays on, etc.), even in a more serious play scene. I need a stern, confident handler to keep me in a dog-brain and remind me of my place.
But, my husband (et al.) refers to me as puppy virtually all the time, regardless of the context. He’s my owner, I’m his dog. So, we can have very casual pup play day to day and I really enjoy that.
Alright goofball puppy, last question ;P As you’re somebody who really got some good living out of his fetishes: What’s one of your hottest experiences you’re able to share 😉 and do you still have some fantasy in your head you’d love to live out?
That’s a very tricky question! Hm.. I’ve had some truly awesome experiences.. but, two stick out in my head.
The first was recent. We hosted pups Cole and Vulcan (@PupCole1 and @PupVulcan, respectively) for the weekend and Vulcan brought along an inflatable hogsack. When I saw the sack, I got an idea and the boys helped me bring it to life. I got into the sack while wearing a wet diaper, dick locked, and plugged, otherwise naked. The sack was secured and inflated, and then filled with a good amount of J-lube. So there I was, in this tight little prison, squirming around in a soggy diaper in a slippery rubber membrane, moaning through a gas mask as the boys fed me poppers and I lost all sense of space and time. It was out of this fucking world. I felt like some gimpy-alien-puppy-slut in some weird little egg prison; big @SpacePupSilver vibes! It was weird as hell, but I loved every second.

The second was with my partner. He’s typically the dom, but now and again he wants to sub, but on his own terms (service-topping or service-domming). He dictated to me how he wanted to be restrained (in the Segufix, in his catsuit, milking machine attached) and we got him setup and comfortable. A bit into the scene, he needed to pee and he decided that I’d be drinking it. Reluctantly, I got out our funnel gag and strapped it on and got between his legs to drink up. It was such a mental trip to look up at him in his heavy restraints and still know that I was the sub, I was still his to control, and there I was drinking his piss with quite a lot of enthusiasm. It was crazy hot! It put me into an unbelievably submissive headspace and it still gives me shivers.
As for a fantasy I’d love to live out.. that’s very tough. I guess I could say I’m doing that right now. For my birthday, my husband and Cole decided to lock me in chastity until the Mister International Rubber (MIR) event in November, a total of 95 days. That’s FAR beyond my personal chastity record, but there’s something insanely hot about being forced into that situation, about the choice not being mine to make.
I’m just getting started with that challenge, but I’m really looking forward to how it helps me develop and grow as a submissive and seeing how I navigate the inevitable frustrations ahead! I love the feeling of being constantly horny and eager to please my superiors, even without the sweet reward of orgasm. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’d honestly love to try to make chastity a more permanent thing for me in the future.
XD haha well if that happens that would make for another interesting talk perhaps ;P for now, thank you for your time puppy, and I wish you good luck with your locked cage.
Thanks for taking the time, Seven! It was a pleasure to chat with ya.