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Piggy Dirty Play – the sense of doing something many others do not want to do

To be a pig and play dirty is not really everyones cup to tea. But there are many guys who loves the humiliation but also the “forbidden” thing they are doing if they play with excrement. Lets talk with my guest today about his dirty desires and needs.

Hi Ry. You call yourself a pig … but what makes you a pig?

As a pig who hates talking about itself that is a hard but good question to start with.

At first, it’s comes across as a very shy piggy, but once it gets to know you a little its filthy side comes out. It is always up for drinking or wearing your piss, worshipping your man smells and unwashed arse.

Making sure a Dom is happy and satisfied gives it purposes and makes it happy. The first time it was called a pig , it was horny as fuck; drinking someone’s piss before it rimmed his very sweet arse after his long day at work was amazing. Even through it wasn’t the first It had one that It had never been called a pig before, only fag or boi or slave. Being called a pig, feeling that need and greed to serve rose more than every before. Oink oink.

Making sure a Dom is happy and satisfied gives it purposes and makes The Pig happy.

Then it met its current Sir. He started calling it a pig during pain training sessions and meets, and the name pig increasingly felt right and was used as we explored its other kinks too.

It was after Sir started setting it tasks like pissing itself on its way home from work, wearing pissing underwear for set periods of time and even making it produce piss stained jocks and socks that it was not allowed to wash that it really knew it was a pig. Up it can’t wash.

It was when Sir started to train it as a full toilet, which was something it always had an interest in but did not have the balls to do, but Sir showed me I could do it and because I trust him completely, it knew he was right, and it’s need/ greed to serve only grew more.

You really like it dirty. What is for you the attraction of wearing dirty and pissed underwear in daily life?

Its attraction to wearing pissy and dirty underwear is about the smell and the feeling, it is humiliating and horny; it reminds it is a filthy little piggy and that it is pleasing its Sir.

When its Sir orders it to wear the same underwear it could be at any time, anywhere and for any amount of time that ranges from a few days to a few weeks. Sir knows how to push its buttons even when it is not feeling horny, but as a good piggy, it will follow orders.

When It is feeling really horny and really filthy, it will di almost anything pissy or dirty related, even when not given specific orders, including wearing day old, pissy and filthy underwear and socks., adding more pairs throughout the day to increase the filthiness and layers. Oink Oink.

Its Sir has ordered that it is not to shake after it is used in the loo, so the underwear always gets the last drops of piss, all adding to the pissy and filthy feeling of the underwear. Before it serves its Sir, or other Dom’s it’s Sir allows, it asks whether they want it to wear fresh, pissy or filthy underwear to ensure it is serving properly. Oink oink.

Tell us about your most filthy underwear you’ve ever weared out of home? How dirty was it and how did you feel with it?

The filthiest pair of underwear it has worn outside the house are ones created by a fellow pig that it has worn around London many times.; they are a jock that he hasn’t washed for years, and they are covered in so many loads of piss it is unreal. It is hoping that was lockdown is lifted fully, it can get its own jock in the same state; the state where the piss stains are dark and smell like heaven. Oink oink

Sock-wise, it’s got a pair it has been wearing on and off for the whole of the lockdown, and if it has not worn them for a while, the feeling of putting them on, the feeling of how crispy they are is pure horny heaven for it.

Hehe, oh you like the dirt of other people. 🙂 Let us talk a little about piss play. What do you want to show people if you drink their piss?

Same with piss play, it is always willing to get on its knees, tilt its head back and drink piss; it loves the feeling of the warm piss splashing down its throat and over its body. Even better, if it can get its mouth around a cock, so it can swallow every drop.

No matter where or when, it will drink the piss of an Alpha or a Dom. As it is keen to serve to the best way it can, it is about pleasing the Dom whose piss it is drinking or smells it is wearing. Some Doms like to know it is full of his piss and some like to see It recycle his piss after it has drunk theirs.

It loves every aspect of it; the sight, smell, feeling, the warmth and the filth of it all. Oink oink.

You’ve told about the first time you have been used as urinal. Do you remember how it felt?

The first time it was used as a urinal, it was not sure how it was feeling, but it knew it was horny, very degrading and confused as it did not identify itself as a pig.

It was tied to a weight bench with a blindfold covering its eyes. All of a sudden, it felt something warm and wet being poured over its body. After a few seconds, the smell hit it as it was a strong morning piss, it stank. It was sort of grossed out, but it was unable to go anywhere, so it had to take it and throughout the day he continued to piss on it, and later made it drink it.

It was not something it was expecting or planning, but it grows to love it, and if that event did not happen it does not think it would be the pig it is today; oink oink

I think with the years you’ve become a specialist for piss. 🙂 Can you tell us a little about different piss tastes, and do you know also about the reason why they taste different?

It is a piss pig. But it still struggles with the stronger piss for example Morning piss. Or when they dehydrated. Mainly like the taste of when its yellow as its strong but its drinkable. The taste from darker is piss is due to being hydrated so much stronger taste than someone who drinks loads of water, what makes the piss easier to drink oink.

The next step in dirty play is of course scat play. When did you the first experiences with, and do you remember how you have felt at this moment?

1st little experience was eating a few nuggets and i didn’t chew so didn’t get much taste.

2nd experience a dom wanted to dirty fuck me and make me clean, at the time i wasn’t that filthy.

3rd time, i kinda freaked out when Sir tried feeding me.

But 4th time it was eaten a load of its Sirs and one of its fellow Sub brother Smeared rest of the shit over its head and rubber masked but it freaked when rubber was going over head due to smell.

But finally it was able to take Sir’s shit with no problem and even done a few self smears and let dry since oink oink.

Felt humiliated and degraded all these times. As i was stepping into new territory, but it was something i wanted to get into.

What is for you the attraction of scat play?

The first time it experienced scat play involved eating a few nuggets, which it swallowed rather than chew, so it did not really taste it much. The second time involved a Dom who did not want me to clean out my hole, so he could dirty fuck me, and he made it clean his dick afterward, but his dick was not that dirty. The third time really freaked me out when Sir tried feeding me, but I was not really in that headspace. The fourth time was horny as hell as it was ready for it and was totally in that headspace. It ate a load from Sir’s hole, and one of its Sub brothers smeared shot all over its head and covered it with a rubber hood. It freaked a little at first but calmed down and loved the experience.

Since then, it has been able to take Sir’s load without any issues and has done self smearing, let it all dry and really bake on. Oink oink. For all the humiliation, degrading and dehumanizing elements, all of this was new territory, but it loves having its boundaries pushed and once it accepted it was a pig, it knew it wanted to try scat play.

Mainly it is the filth; the sense of doing something many others do not want to do or be involved in. It is not really sure why it wanted to try it, but it knew it was something it must try.

Seems it is a protest kink which is motivated by a revolt against the norms of the society we live in. And what is the attraction of being a social outsider?

Yes and no. It is something the society sees as dirty, but in the kink world you’re not an outsider, you just have other desires and needs. Some like sounding, others not. Everyone has his own kinks. And scat and piss are some of mine as I have also many others like cbt, flogging etc. It is a long list.

I like to be used for my Masters needs and I can be moulded into whatever my Master wants at the moment. If we are at Backstreet in the smoking area and my Sir smokes a cigar, then I love to be ordered to be his ashtray or also for other doms my Master picks.

I know the dirty play is not everyone’s cup of tea but to be honest I love to be the pig that I am, and it makes me kind of unique.

Hehe, you’re totally right. What would you advice if a sub is interested in scat play, but at the same time a little scared and nauseated about?

That really depends if the boy just wants to smear or to eat … or both.

If you want to eat, then the most important is, that you find someone who you trust and who is able to train you. I can’t be alone and eat my shit because in such an isolated situation I can’t get into the needed subby headspace. That’s totally different if I’m with a dom and I get ordered to eat the others shit … but like in anything, I’m still training to become better.

And training is important. You can’t get a fist the first time you do ass play. Your hole needs to get trained. So it is with scat play too. Don’t expect to eat like a real pig the first time you try it.

Smearing is much easier to train by yourself and I would also recommend it. The most important is to be able to link the smell of shit with something positive and to get used to it. So I wouldn’t recommend smearing scat on your face first. 🙂 Start small and for example on your stomach. I also recommend to use gloves at the beginning. This way the smell don’t stay on your hands.

As I’ve told scat play is not for everyone like anything else. But if you feel the desire, then try it. Become the pig you feel that you are. If it is right for you and for the guy you’re playing with, then you don’t do anything wrong.

Do you have still some goals and fantasies in dirty play you want to realize in the future?

Oh yes, there are many goal haha. First, I would love to do porn. Could be a normal one, but even more, I would love to be part of a filthy and kinky production. Ok, I’ve to admit that I’m a slutty pig. 🙂

I would love to visit the Lab.oratory in Berlin for a scat night. That has to be heaven on earth. 🙂 I like the idea to serve a group of kinksters and to be used hard in all possible ways. 🙂

Third: The pig never knows what it’s Sir, I’ve mentioned before, or other doms are planning to do with me in the future. My goal is to satisfy them.

And if we talk about fantasies …. I really would love to spend a week as a total toilet and cum dump on a builders site for all the guys working there. And I just hope that it is a huge construction site so that it’s never ending serving.


1993 | 188 cm | 109 kg
London (UK)


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