Hi Silver. Happy New Year. Today, the Chinese year of the EARTH DOG is starting. You’re a space dog, but WTF is an earth dog? Something like an omega because he is always on earth, so the opposite of you in the sky, or what do you think?
An earth dog is probably a power bottom, Gravity and all that. Can’t say I’ve ever cared that much about this festivity, I do love being festive, but Chinese New year has 0 to do with me… I do love ribs, though.
I love your idea of a power bottom dog laying on his back, ready for …. Let’s talk about you and your art work. It seems that quite every second pup and rubber lover has an own personalized pup silver logo in his Twitter account. You have to be very busy. How does it come that you’re doing such personalized illustrations?
It does seem that way, I actually once had a person come up to me at an event and say “Oh I planned to get an icon when you started out but now they are everywhere so it feels less special” it amused me so much. I love doing what I do, it’s nice to see so many fetish outfits, some are of course more interesting than others but fetish is fetish, some looks just work and people love wearing those.
What is your approach if you have to do such a personalized illustration? How do you identify the characteristics of every different person?
Well my style is very minimalistic, so generally things are very easy to break down into simple shapes and colours, even with latex I do it in a very toony and simple way with blobs of white to represent shine.
I know plenty of artists who dabble in both more realistic styles of drawing erotica and more toony styles in the furry community. It took me a while to get comfortable with a more minimal way of working but I really like where I’ve ended right now in a style that very iconically me.
A pup looks like a pup, there are three main styles of hoods that I come across most frequently, so there isn’t a dramatic amount of shape variation there in terms of me drawing them. I do love coming across new shapes and breeds in the kink community when people end up making their own gear, it’s such a visual treat to see unique gear. Rubbermen are a bit more fun to draw because I get to more often draw some seriously gorgeous looking men, including their faces’ haha.
Isn’t it a little the problems of pups, that they look all similar? Behind a mask you can hide yourself, of course, but it makes you also exchangeable?
Well in the past two years I’d say the customization of pups has really exploded, with the birth of WruffStuff for example the original black Woof hoods from Mr S that used to dominate the scene has had real competition with the tidal wave of more individual designs that WruffStuff is providing. I have two hoods from them myself. But I totally know what you mean, the same can be said for gimps of course, but gimps don’t really bounce around and demand all your attention or want individuality.
As you need for your work the characteristics of a guy, how do you think could some pups make them more visible? How can they become unique? And of course, I am not just talking about hoods in different colours. 🙂
Most pups are happy to just have a drawing of them sitting there, I’d almost compare it to classical portraiture of the aristocracy, you know? Some people just want a drawing of themselves for their own joy sat there looking pretty and that is entirely fine, I know plenty of furries who are the same way, they just want to be drawn.
Other people want to be more specific in what they want, they want their fetish brought into it via props and posing, so if you are into watersports you would want to be around urinals. Obviously the hanky code comes into play now and then with people saying what they are into, but with pupplay a lot of people just really like being covered in a colour because they like it. I do love when people genuinely do respect the hanky code though, for example did you know Silver which I am usually wearing means “Star Fucker” a person who enjoys sleeping with celebrities, it’s not my kink but it does make me laugh quite a lot that it’s what I’m flagging in some peoples eyes.
A unique quality about what I do is, I’m actually never all that sexual in my work, it’s very much about being suggestive, for me kink is all about visuals over action, but that’s where my fetish thrill lies, in how things look. If you have a look at my archive of work I hardly ever draw an actual dick, I just don’t find them that interesting in my work.
It’s actually hilariously ironic that I don’t really like sex all that much, I identify myself as asexual.
Hehe, no problem for me because as master, the dick of others are quite unimportant. 🙂 What kind of fetish do you really like to draw and can you tell us why?
My personal fantasies are all very much based in fantasy, so it’s a very independent thing for me usually just imagining things myself, roleplay always just makes me giggle and breaks a scene, so it’s a bit tough for me to act out things. The things that I am really into are hypnosis and transformation, being one thing and being turned into another, that’s sort of why I’m so into rubber. When you wear rubber you sort of experience the Clark Kent/Superman scenario where you go from average joke to porn fantasy and I adore that, it’s extremely empowering.
What I most love to draw is that transformation, having everything about you remade purely for a sexual thrill. The fetish of “transformation” started for me as a kid watching cartoons and seeing whole episodes dedicated to the main characters being transformed in some way or another, it was never that sexual, but it was the thing that sparked finding out what makes me go wahoo! If I had to name a show that really turned me into the kind of deviant that I am it would probably be Totally Spies, a Charlies Angels parody where three hot girls, clad in tight bodysuits of course. Would battle against evil masterminds, you’d think with that as the premise I’d have ended up more interested in ladies. There were a lot of weird episodes, one of the weirder plots involving a machine that turned people into mimes, it was a good time for cartoons.
Pity that the Transformers haven’t been into kink. Rubbered Cars doing watersports. 🙂 I know you like to do transformation gifs. Have you ever thought about to go more into animations?
Aeroplane furries are a thing I’ve been made aware of recently, that was something I wasn’t expecting at all and come to mention it I don’t think I’ve ever seen Transformers porn at all yet.
Animation takes so long, I actually went to university and studied animation but for the kind of work that I do, the amount of work I would need to put into it just is not worth the outcome or the payout. I started doing the gifs because it was such a convenient cheat method to achieve what I wanted with the most efficient method of doing it. I would of course love to get back into animation in the future, but I just don’t think the kink world is where that kind of talent would really flourish. Animation is expensive to produce, so even if I was providing it, I don’t think it would sell that well unless it was for more premium businesses looking for unique marketing. I am still very young, though, so who knows what I will do next and what kind of project will really spark me to pour serious time and effort over it.

We have really to talk also a little about your kinks. What are you into? When and how have you started to live your kinks?
It’s actually hilariously ironic that I don’t really like sex all that much, I identify myself as asexual because the act of sex is just something that doesn’t interest me at all. I mentioned earlier hypnosis and that’s a thing I’ve experienced both as the hypnotist and the subject, personally I prefer being the hypnotist just because of a really dodgy experience in my early twenties that featured a sadist and a lot of fear, it was not a good time at all. From such a bad experience I learned how to hypnotize and pretty much dedicated my own kink pleasure to be about making people smile with joy, this shines a lot through my work.
I’ve hypnotized my boyfriend a few times, he has a real talent for accents and although it may not be a traditional fetish, hypnotizing my partner and forcing him to speak in a voice that is not his against his will, unable to stop, it’s sort of like dressing up a ken doll but instead of putting clothes on his body, I’m putting clothes on his mind. I’ve of course done all the other stuff as well as making him cluck like a chicken, left him wandering around the floor for a while fully believing he is a dog, the classics you know, but it really is about him making me smile that makes me happy.
Is your boyfriend asexual too, or do you compensate it by giving him sexual sensations and experiences during he is hypnotized?
We have an open relationship about it, actually, I fully let him go and get his kicks elsewhere as long as he tells me what he’s up to. I enjoy hearing about his sexual thrills, it’s not a thing I want to do, but I do enjoy hearing what gets him all hot and bothered. I will let him play with my dick because it makes him happy, but he knows it does nothing for me, so we are usually just very happy to spend time together romantically and that’s enough for us at the moment. My own sexual curiosity and confidence may change over time so who knows really, right now however sex is just off the table for me, I’m far more of a voyeur when it comes down to it.
How can you as an asexual guy recognize the key characteristics and the triggers of different fetishes to illustrate them? And what makes it attractive for you to illustrate kinky situations while having an emotional distance to kinks?
It’s not really a distance to kink, it’s an aversion to sex and more specifically sex involving myself. I can look at porn of guys going at it like rabbits and find it really hot, it just does not interest me to put myself into that situation, I feel a void there.
My fetishes come entirely from seeing visuals rather than experiencing them, and I started drawing to get those sexual kicks I was missing out on. A good example would be I don’t think you need to have been pissed on to be able to understand why watersports are so arousing to people, as long as you have a spark of empathy you can fully grasp why people like what they do. Kink I find absolutely fascinating, so many people spend some serious time and money to tailor their sexual endeavours exactly to how they want them. Have you ever looked at a dungeon and started pricing things up, it’s like looking at a home gym but with an extra zero or two. No one is going to spend that much money so casually, these people have such a burning passion for their erotica to be a certain way, and I adore seeing that passion. I don’t think vanilla people quite understand how much effort goes into some people’s fetishes, it’s a hobby for some and a lifestyle for others. Kink and the kink community attracts me so much because of that passion. It makes me so happy to be around people of so many different occupations, ages and lifestyles, and they all come together at events to enjoy hanging out with each other. It’s fantastic!
I better don’t think about the costs of all toys and furnitures I have bought for my dungeon. 🙂 Btw. where can people find more of your artwork and probably also order a portrait? And do you have some coming special projects and plans in your mind?
I’ve had an absolutely stellar year to be honest, I only began drawing kinksters just over two years ago now, and I still can’t believe how well known I seem to have become. Last year I started bringing out merchandise in the form of enamel pins, a thing I wanted to do for so long even before I started drawing fetish, so I have been thinking forward to how I would want to top that. I’ve already started to list out all the things I want to make this year including an adult colouring book and maybe even a calendar for 2019, the year goes by so fast I have to start planning out these things now. In the next year or two I really want to explore the idea of getting a custom vinyl figure out there and that kind of thing is really expensive so will likely be looking into a crowdfunding platform for that when I come to do it. I’d even love to do an art show at some point, I really do think fetish is becoming more mainstream as it becomes more common to express your sexuality through it so who knows maybe I will have to sort a collaboration with other creative kinksters out there.
I have all the usual social media, Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram but my fave platform is Twitter for sure, it’s where I am most casual and the best place to contact me. You can also purchase pre-made merchandise from my store.
Space Pup Silver
Staffordshire United Kingdom