Our visit on set of a kinky porn label
This weekend we are close to Alicante (Spain) spending a weekend with the Boynapped crew and some of their cute and kinky models. I am sure several of you would like to live for a weekend in a house with sexy boys and watch them also at “work”.
And yes, it is work, and it is not always as easy as it looks in the movies. Many of you know how it is to prepare yourself for a session, even more if you’re a bottom. The boys are doing that really professional. But the best is to see how the crew and the boys work together. It seems to be a real team and the members are enjoying what they are doing.

Here we are, in an old fabric hall, which looks a little dirty and naughty, there is scaffolding and an industrial pulley in the middle of the big hall. Sebastian Kane, the boss and the good soul of Boynapped is preparing Alexis for the next scene, doing some bondage and getting him into suspension harness while encouraging the boy. Manic Dante and Sean Taylor are preparing the technics for the next scene, while the other boys are waiting outside in the sun for what happens next.
Of course, Casper really needs to warm up as he has finished some minutes ago with a horny scene in which he has got fisted by Sean, Xavier and Alexis. He is a little exhausted, but he has to make himself ready again for a second scene in the afternoon. Probably I should also move out and talk to this Swedish cutie:

A fisting challenge I enjoyed a lot!
Hey Casper, how was it to lay blindfolded in the sling and to get fisted by three guys?
Hey MasterMarc. Hehe well it was a challenge, but I enjoyed it a lot. I feel like it would have been harder without the bondage and blindfold. The sensation of when the first hand came in was the hardest, but after that it felt more and more nice for every time. The blood was probably all in one place, since you get sort of numb after a while, even the face. First I thought a bit about how cold I felt, but that was something you eventually forgot about. Did not see much, but I felt that was moved around in the sling, which made me feel even more used. A cool thing I would definitely do again.
Sounds like a good experience. Btw. I know that you will have to suffer different ball torture today afternoon and tomorrow morning. How do you prepare yourself for such scenes?
Hehe yeah in those scenes I don’t have any physical preparations at all, but a lot is about mental preparation and mindset. For example, even though it is a scene with cameras where I can stop the whole thing at any time, I like to think that when you are tied down there is no way out of it. No stop or anything in my mind just to make me endure more. A no-go is usually to think about how much time you got less, or think about the time you have been taking the pain. The great thing about CBT in my opinion and as a sub is that the pleasure of kind strokes become much more of the regular sensation.
Oh, I’ve to go back to the fabric hall, Alexis seems to be ready. He looks good in his bondage harness. It is always nice to see cute twinks who are ready to get used. All the guys who have experience with suspension know, how important the preparation is. You have to feel totally comfortable with the bondage and knots. Even more if you have to hang there for a longer duration because it needs time to film a scene. Meanwhile, Sean has lit all the candles as Sebastian will give Alexis an intense treatment with hot wax while he is hanging in the air.
Now the lift is going up and Alexis is hanging in the middle of the room. What will happen next? A big hot wax shower party! Legs, dick, body, arms, … , and that in a hanging position. Alexis, can you tell us, how does it feel to be exposed in suspension without any power to struggle and to get hot wax all over?

Suspension and hot wax is a Turn-On.
It feels intense ! 🙂 I got sensations and turns on so many different ways: not touching the floor, my breath being kinda taken away, having to lift me up with my hands while they were attached … And obviously the wax, which was actually the cherry on the cake 😉 The wax is so special in so many ways : I get excited by waiting for it to fall on me, the burn of the heat, and finally the cold wax that gets you stuck in whatever position you are!
To see the boys working on the set and by seeing how they enjoy the work even if they have to suffer has really made me curious to know, how does it come that they started to do porn. Let’s ask the boys:
After a lunch break with the whole team, we are back on set. These time, the hot Swedish boy Casper has to suffer a little. After having worked on his ass in the morning, now his balls and dick will be tortured a while, during he is hanging with spread legs. As longer as more weight is hanging at his balls. The only thing you can hear is the screaming of Casper. Screams in which you can hear the mix of pain and pleasure. He really seems to love it.
Am I a bad guy if I like to see him suffer? I don’t think so, as he is really into SM. Nice to see how he is getting a boner while having all the weights at his balls. He really seems to be a little pain pig. Now he’s getting a nice wank by Sebastian Kane. We have really to talk with Casper about CBT soon. I think that could become an interesting article.
The evening was relaxing and fun. We have had dinner with the team at the house they have rented and where all are living under one roof. It was very interesting to see behind the facade and to talk with all involved actors and crew members. Yes they have cute faces, nice bodies and sexy asses, but they are much more than just this. Everyone has his own story and a life outside porn. But all of them have in common that they love to show themselves to others. Exhibitionism is needed to become a porn actor …. but why are they interested to do KINK porn?
Sean, as one of the resident doms working for the label you know a lot of the Boynapped models and a big part of them have had the pleasure to be your “victim” for a scene. Is it easy to find a good connection to a new boy to make a great scene with him?
It’s important to build a fun, friendly relationship to push their boundaries to the limit.
Finding a connection with the new boys is really important. The best way to do this is to make them feel safe, as after all, no matter how hard you go as a Dom, the sub is always, ultimately in control. It’s important to build a fun, friendly relationship so that when we are on set, the newbie knows that although you’re about to pound his ass, choke him with your cock or spank him until his ass is red raw, he is always in good hands. This is why we invite our boys over for more than just the filming. They spend their time with us in the house, socializing, evening meals, getting to know each other and talking about the kinks they enjoy the most, but ultimately, talking about how we can push their boundaries to the limit. Doing this makes ALL the difference and in turn, makes the whole thing more enjoyable for the Dom, the sub and the viewers watching! Right! Now, I’m off to bed, got to be up and ready to fuck newbie Johnny Polak in the morning 😉
After a good sleep, we arrive just before Casper gets another hard ball treatment. This time it is Xavier Sibley who is showing his top qualities. Amazing to see again Casper doing his preparation. He seems to be very cool even by knowing that today it becomes harder than the last evening as he will get his balls kicked. Meanwhile, you can see a lot of joy in Xavier’s face He seems to be very happy that he can do this scene with Casper.

I wanted to kick his balls so badly …
Xavier, it seems that you have really the need to kick Casper’s balls. Is that something you’re enjoying?
To be honest during our first shoot together with Casper, I slapped his balls with my fingers and when I saw his reaction…in my head the idea of kicking this guy balls was there, and I wanted to do it so bad! So you can imagine the smile on my face when Boynapped gave me the opportunity to do it on the last day! And in kinks, the more I hurt people, the more I’m happy! Does this make me a bad guy? Ahah
You are a bad guy, Xavier, but a lovely one. We have really to talk about your change from a nice, cute, innocent French teen to what you’re now, soon. (>> Check out the article)
The invisible but not less important guy on the set of BoyNapped is Manic Dante, the guy behind the camera and the responsible for all the technique. Hey Manic, how is it for you to see so many cute guys doing kink scenes in front of your cameras? Seems to be a stressful but great job for a kinkster as you are.
It is my job to make the porn models feel comfortable in front of the camera.
Hey, Working behind the cameras brings a lot of different feelings. It can be very stressful, depending on the model, scene type and filming schedule. But as long as it’s the right model, then the stress is usually balanced out with a very relaxed and fun atmosphere. It’s a two-way street, really. Models come to film and are nervous about being hung from the ceiling and fucked, so it’s my job to put them at ease and make them feel more comfortable. Then I’m on set thinking about the model’s safety, getting my shots, making sure the scene is of a good quality, and I find that, with most of the models, they start having a joke and banter, and it helps me stay relaxed, keeps me grounded and allows me to do everything I need to without pressure or stress. As for the ‘cute guys doing kink’, I think the longer I’ve done this job, the more I find myself slipping into the camera. Back when I first started, I was so in awe to be on a set that I probably spent more time watching the boys and what they were doing than I did checking the cameras. But as the years have progressed, I’ve made it a goal to better my production abilities. It was difficult to stop myself watching the scenes and to train myself to watch the cameras and be checking all the settings as we were filming. That doesn’t mean I don’t still do it, though. Many times I’ll be stood behind the camera, checking the focus or light levels, and I raise my head and truly see what’s in front of me. And even after filming for 6 years now, that sight is still enough to bring me to a stand still and drop my jaw in awe. Something tells me that will never change, either.
It’s time for lunch and afterwards we will have lo leave. It’s the last time that we sit all together and a last fantastic opportunity to talk. They have asked us how we liked it to be with all the team on the BoyNapped set. A very easy question, as it was just a great time with great guys. It was fascinating to see how professional everyone has been working and at the same time produced scenes which have been hot and horny. Of course everyone has different kinks and needs, but what we have seen is that all the guys are doing things they like and the BoyNapped crew is producing movies they like and enjoy. Last but not least, I have to ask Sebastian Kane what he thinks about the boys who are on set this time and about the scenes they have done.

We have great kinky models but also a great team!
All the boys did great shoots, I was particularly impressed with Casper’s ball stretching and ball busting shoots and Alexis’ suspension shoots when he was able to cum doing the splits. It was also nice to see all the boys get on with each other at our accommodation.
I was really impressed how professional the boys and the crew work and at the same time it seems that all have great fun doing their job. Is that always this way?
My crew is always like this, Manic has been with me for more than 6 years and I trained him to be professional. Ryan has been with me 5 years and started on BoyNapped about 3 years ago. He loves twinks and has become a really dominant personality in the shoots. We have had boys that have not been professional or talented, we often film with new boys, some have never done porn before, so we expect to make a mistake with who we recruit sometimes.
This time, it seems that you and your boys haven’t made any mistakes. It was real fun to be with you, and we enjoyed every minute of our stay. Thank you, Sebastian. And of course we will also thank to all the models and the crew who have all given us a warm welcome, and they haven’t given us the feeling that we are disturbing them during their work. And now I’ve heard you want to learn my pup se7en how to fly ….

Do you want to watch the BoyNapped boys in action? Click the button to …