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As soon as the cage is on and I hear the lock click I instantly feel more submissive

Hey readers, I’m here today with a sweet kinky Twink from the UK. Can you tell us a little about yourself boy, how did your kinky journey start out? What got you first into things?



United Kingdom

Hey there, great to chat to you! I’m a student living in London at the moment. My kink journey really began with seeing a chastity cage for the first time. It was in a porn video and seeing it locked onto the sub I was fascinated and within a week completely hooked.

Other kinks came gradually from seeing porn and then later on tumblr that it started to come together. When I turned 18 and moved out to university, the first piece of gear I bought was a cage, one that now is far too big for me!

What made the idea of chastity so appealing for you that much, and made you stick to enduring it? How did it develop over time for you unto today?

Yes! My first cage was this awful metal one that was way too big for me but I thought it was great at the time. I think since then (4 years ago) I’ve gone through 5 cages, all getting progressively smaller till the one I wear today.

I think for me chastity is about the denial, not being able to just reach down and jerk off and cum. It’s about losing that control and giving it to somebody else. Once I’ve got the cage locked on and my boyfriend takes the keys, I feel so submissive and I genuinely don’t want to unlock or cum again.

It’s not really about enduring, it’s enjoying being locked for as long as possible. At the beginning I started with going a day locked, then a few days then a week, then two weeks and just kept going. This year I did 100 days locked and next year I hope to do a 150 day lock up at least.

That’s mighty impressive. That you genuinely feel that diswant to cum too. Most just fight and try to endure 😉 And it’s really a submission just surge right away? Or does it just climb over time? And how does that show itself in your dynamic with your bf?

Yeah it was odd at first but gradually after locking for longer and longer I didn’t want to unlock or cum. Guess chastity affects everyone differently! ? As soon as the cage is on and I hear the lock click I instantly feel more submissive, the cage is the physical sign of it.

Feeling submissive and horny does build over time but usually about a week or two into a lockup I plateau and remain super horny and super submissive for the rest of the lockup.

With my bf he holds the keys but beyond that doesn’t take a very active role in my lockup and our dynamic remains largely the same which is quite vanilla.

Of course in sessions he loves to tease and remind me that he likes me locked but once a lockup is done he’s happy to have me unlocked again. Less constantly horny!

Haha well if you’re in a relationship day to day constant hornyness can also be stressful. I had my owner take mine down a bit at times too xD. But you’re doing something to get some relieving satisfaction, you call it daily task. Can you explain what it is and how it came to?

Yes sometimes it can get too much for him although I struggle to bring it down without unlocking, regardless of what I do! Yes of course, my daily tasks are my way of getting satisfaction although I definitely would not call it relief from being constantly horny.

It was a suggestion from a friend who was rolling for random tasks online for himself and he suggested I take part as well. I was intrigued so agreed. These tasks can range from simple things like exercise or go for a run, to training my hole and cbt.

Unfortunately some are add time to being locked which I can’t do during locktober, my boyfriend has insisted I unlock after this month. On these days I will do something else as suggested from fellow kinksters on twitter.

Do you have any favorites among the ones that came up yet? Or things that you found unusual but intriguing?

I’ve enjoyed all of them but I think a favourite was my boyfriend spanking me. He told me to stay silent as he beat my ass which was very hard but I loved every second. Left them nice and red too. Although some ones planned in the future could become my favourites, we’ll have to see ?

One task was cbt which is something I don’t have that much experience with. I had to beat my balls 20 times which I have never done. It was of course painful but I enjoyed it far more than I was expecting. I’ll have to consider doing it again I the future. Another intriguing one was body writing.

I have done it before but something as simple as writing ‘cum dump’ on my ass turned me on far more than I expected. Reinforcing that I’m a sub and that’s what I am.

What are some of the things and tasks you wanna try out maybe, or also fear a little of doing?

I want to do more stuff outdoors, I enjoy the risk of being caught (but of course never actually being caught). Such a rush of adrenaline it’s amazing. Although it’s always a little nerve wracking in the London since it’s so busy!

I also want to try more tasks like serving as my bf’s footstool. That was the first time I’ve ever done something like that and i really enjoyed it. I want to try for longer being objectified.

I think I am scared to do more cbt, both from a pain point of view but also nervous of how much I would enjoy it ?

Haha well London would be a little less busy right now, just to say 😉

And I can relate to the footstool/objectification thing. It’s something that can get one very deep into sub headspace. Especially if it happens circumstancially and sudden. Really drives home the “nothing more than object status” effect into your mind if you’re suddenly a convenience chair at a party ;).

Anyways, it’s been a pleasure to talk to you, and hopefully we’ll get to do it again if you’ve gotten to experience some of those dreams.

It would indeed, fewer people around and I intend to exploit that ? exactly! The depth of subspace was intense and I want to try experiencing it more. Being made into just an object is amazing and makes me strain in my cage just thinking about it! Thank you, I’ve had great fun chatting and will be sure to let you know when I have done them.

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Hey, I'm Se7en, one of the authors and guys behind sadOsam. I'm an all around kinky puppy that enjoys to explore new things and talk to interesting people. Don't be shy to hit me up if you like, I promise I won't bite. Fair warning though, I'm a slow replier, quite busy on here usually :)

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