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Max Potter

Max Potter discovered an interest in domination and slavery at a very early age. First reading about historical accounts of slaves, that eventually turned to an interested in the Dom/sub culture. A voracious reader, he see dominance and submission in many passages. When a friend gives up something, when a man takes a metaphorical blow for someone else. When one will is subjected to another. For his writing, he looks for the unusual situation. It could be total reluctance on the part of the sub, or innovative commands given. Always on the lookout for a novel idea, he can be contacted at his Gmail account as maxrpotter.

Articles by this author

Defeated Jock (6)

Kam could feel Taylor trembling. It was weird, as the sensations came up from his feet on Taylor’s back. Kam gave a half smile. He knew what was causing Taylor’s nervousness, and his blind obedience. Taylor was...

I Hate My Master (23)

I woke up before Chris and stared under the bed. No dust bunnies, which was wrong somehow, but Chris made me keep it clean like he would ever look. I was going to have to go to...

I Hate My Master (22)

Part of this chapter was inspired by my boy Austin, who actually did the shopping scene in real life. You’re a good boy Austin. I hated sleeping on the floor at the foot of Chris’s bed. It was hard, cold and...

The Adventures of slave sal (4)

A kinky story written by Max Potter | Chapter 4 Click here to see all published chapters. Illustration by Theo Blaze. sal’s collar woke him up. sal wondered what he should do. he would know exactly how to wake...

Defeated Jock (5)

Kam left Taylor out tied to the tree. He got a cup of coffee and sat watching the defeated jock. Taylor finally stirred and looked morose, barely lifting his head except a few longing glances to the cabin. Taylor’s shoulders...

I Hate My Master (21)

I sat in my car outside of work. I had to go in, but I didn’t want to. My hair, fuck my hair. Chris had his buddy Bastion over last night to cut and color it. I looked stupid, faggy....