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An eunuch slave’s review on his castration and its effects

by slave rené
Translation by se7en

Around 10 years ago I saw a video of a real castration of a gay slave at a friend of mine. Till then I only heard rumours of such practices in the SM-scene. I was shocked at first of course, that there are such people who would go THAT far in a relationship.

Skip a few years to the 2. September 2005 and to me. Starting of that date I now lived as a eunuch myself (original german article made in 2013) . My Master has supported me on the journey and gave his blessing that I was allowed to do it. I had it done in Antwerp at a scene-known cutter with a professional OP-studio. My surgeon had two female helpers, who normally work as professional dominas with their own studio. The castration was done with a prescription-free local xylocain-anasthetization, around nine o’ clock in the morning. The operation was documented with pictures.

The night and morning before I barfed up the whole time, I barely could walk anymore, my legs became weak, I was so frightened. And also I was quite sad as my Master couldn’t be with me as he didn’t get any holidays.

How did it came so far?

First of all I have to say I’m a very romantically minded person.

To submit to my Master completely and sit under his malehood, floods my slave soul with romantic feelings. For my Master as for me as well it was an unforgettable moment when I gave him my balls, my sign of manhood, in a jar as a present.

My Master would never have explicitly ordered this step of me, though he often liked to threathen me with it. The intention to live as eunuch grew within my head and became greater and greater over the years. To let oneself be used without own drives, to surrender your own malehood and sexuality and to weaken and automatically subordinate yourself to your Master, making a classic MASTER-slave-difference, be the clear weaker being in a relationship, not being distracted by your own sexuality, even chaste in your thoughts… that an much more such thoughts invigorated me in my decision.

The knowledge to serve a Master, who also loved me and could take pleasure in having an eunuch as a slave, made me brave and gave me the strength to make that fantasy into reality. For my Master it is of course an interesting experience, cause not everyone owns a true eunuch. And if my Master wants to do CBT… well, there are lots of slaves with balls, he would find one pretty fast.

My Master sees the practical advantage an eunuch has. There are no sexual dissatisfactions, I have become downright low-maintenance in that aspect.

The roles have become much clearer:

The slave in not a real man anymore (my Master enjoys that). The slave has become in general more calm, peaceful, patient and more balanced. Before my Master liked to have me in chastity. The whole hormon states stuff had made me sometimes to a pretty difficult, unsatisfied and complicated slave. Thats over now.

In principle we humans have experience what happens with castrated males through animal breeding. It becomes more calm, more affectionate and easier to care for. In the ancient world they also used to do it to hostile male slaves (for example spoils of war) to turn them loyal eunuch slaves. Not that I want to say with that that I wasn’t a loyal slave to my Master before, I am, I love him after all.

If my Master wants an erection on his slave, he has his little tricks to get me started. And if he wants it the easy way, a viagra will do the job as well, an eunuch will be controled like that without any problems.

I don’t believe every slave is made to be an eunuch, probably its more the exception it works that well with me. There are eunuchs out there who have the darkest depressions, live an sad and unhappy life and regret their castration. Only that its too late. To do it for your Master may be a happy thought and for sure a great gift, but you need to want it yourself. Maybe even a small portion of predisposition is necessary, to be “born” an eunuch. Also I have got to say:

There are not only advantages:

Eunuchs are built near the water, start crying quite easily. They can become clingy and cuddly.  In their development they can bring quite the surprises and not always to the joy of the Master. My Master gives me pretty much free reign in mine, only slows me down if I start going too far too quick. The lack of hormones and sexual drive usually reshapes and relocates his interests, may broadens it enourmously, be it sensual, theologically, intellectualy or in normal daily life aspects. Some even tend to feminization. A Master then always has to look that the slave doesn’t go too far, for the slave’s own good. Else it may be that the slave would change extremely in his behaviour.

Eunuchs are more sensible, their senses become sharpened in a different way, what doesn’t necessarily needs to be a disadvantage.

More or less it lays at the discretion and the power of the Master, how the eunuch develops, he is the man who stands above him. A ball-less slave follows usually pretty quickly, that probably lies in the nature of a castrated male.

You should also let the eunuch do sports regularly, to keep him in shape, as the lacking hormones can make that more difficult.

Intellectual encouragement too can help an eunuch. All the excess energy and time of an eunuch can by all means be steered in helpful and good ways. My Master for example has let me make an education as a massage theraphist and do the driving school for my license.

I personally like to coquet with my eunuch-state.

Everybody in my circle, be it SM-guys or not, knows that I am an eunuch. That “being inferior to the male gender” of an eunuch suits my submissive core. I am completely happy with it and don’t regret it. The missing of my balls and testosterone don’t make me feel unwhole, but more as an independent, artificially made gender. The operation I got to do and partially see at full consciousness. As my second testicle was severed, I felt relieved and somehow also absolutely unique. For my slave life I feel it as a gain. It brought me nearer to my Master. An eunuch gets along well with other slaves. I don’t know how it would be with other eunuchs, to be fair, I don’t have the experience yet. I assume my Master won’t keep any more eunuchs besides me, probably one is enough in his slave keep. Too much exotic else for him 😉

A quick explanation of my own felt sexuality:

I myself only think about sex when I’m guided to it. On my own drive that never has been the case. I don’t believe an eunuch experiences the full loss of his libido, but more that there are certain stimulations needed to awake it. Stimuli that before have been transmitted over testosterone. Sex starts in the brain after all, over neurotransmitters and receptors, that cause certain stimuli and transmit them to the rest of the body and cause reactions.

My Master Ferdok for example knows very well that his slave has a masochistic streak and that he can get him into gear over endorphines, that replace the role of the missing testosterone.

He can also be excited over outer stimuli, for example lick and love services, or other sexual duties the slave has to fulfill for his Master. That may not work every time or takes a little longer, but in general isn’t that important by a eunuch slave anyway. I hadn’t had any reduction since my castration btw, though I heard it was possible.

To quickly summarize:

An eunuch may lose his drive, but not his libido. He can feel hornyness and erections, maybe even orgasms ( I can’t confirm that one myself yet though)

Ok, I think I’m finished. Time to turn towards something else. After all it’s easter and I have to concentrate on finding “orbs”.

Ben’s friend (not slave rené)

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