MasterMarc: Hello Ale. You are one of the real well known Italian porn actors, and a lot of guys who are into hairy guys know you from all the movies you’ve done. If there is a word many people associate with you, than it is “pig play”. What means pig play for you?
Ale Tedesco: I dont know what pig means, this word is very subjective and has different meaning for different people. Pig can be spitting on somebody else for people or fisting for some others, my is very broad and comprises all of that and much more. Usually I am even more pig in my private life than in my movies.
MasterMarc: OK than let us talk about you in private life. What are your kinks, what are you into, and what makes you real horny?
Ale Tedesco: First of all I dont like conventional vanilla sex, I find it boring and only in few cases with really georgeus guys can work. That is a bit different with my partner depending from the moment and situation it can go from vanilla to very wild. But with him there is a unique ingredient that we share… that love.
This does not mean I dont like play sex with other men, I do it as much as I can and I love it. The guy of the situation must intrigue me: It can be a hairy chest or arm, a big cock, a wide open ass or simply a nice smile. Being in the porn industry I am really exhibisitionist and having sex in public makes me really horny; I can be an extreme top or a hungry bottom, I dont usually like half ways.
Since almost 2 decades I am into fisting; my partner introuced me to the art of giving and receiving pleasure through the exploration of your anal depths. This is why I find it always very natural when I can use that “art” in my private or public performances! I am also into water sports, I love the sensation of the warmth of this fluid on the body. I like the smell of men on me so if you wanna play with me dont use perfumes, I wanna smell your sweat.

MasterMarc: Fisting is a very intense action. What are the feelings you love when you get fisted, and what makes it interesting to fist guys?
Ale Tedesco: You need three important ingredients to have a successful session as a bottom. 50% starts from your brain that is directly connected with your ass that click opens your ass. 20% depends on your anatomy and unfortunately this is the part you can control less, each of us is “build” in a different way and this is the reason why some people are wider or deeper. In my case I am a wider then a deeper guy. The 3rd ingredient which count for 30% is as important as well as for bottom and it is the trust in each other. This intense and intimate fisting or being fisted is the most rewarding part of this activity: you are litterally on the hands of somebody else. At the same time you can be so powereful and weak and this why trust and respect comes at the first place. Respecting each others, your limits, exploring and expanding your pleasure: this is fisting for me.
MasterMarc: If you don’t want to be an asshole as fister you have to respect that the most dominant part of the game is the body of the fistee. As fister it is your job to play as much as possible, but you should never ever fight against the body of the fistee. At the end you are as top just slave of the asshole in front of you. 🙂 Why is fisting as bottom such an intense experience?
Ale Tedesco: You are totally right and this is the reason I never take chems and I dont accept to fist people on chems. Too many people are using those shitty drugs just to ignore the signals that your.body or your brain are giving you. Too often people in fisting seem to be more in a solo competition than in a dual sexual activity ” I want more, I want it deeper…”
My karma is SSS sane sleazy sex where sane means: being in control. Talking about being a fistee I feel the pleasure to give the control of your ass to somebody else (that is why trust is so important) and feeling like a whore and seeing the fister enjoying what is doing. A passive fister is the most boring thing you can have.

I want to have a chems free session.
MasterMarc: You’re talking about trust which is important for fisting. So how can you have this trust in guys you meet on the set to do a fist porn? Are them differences between doing a “normal” and a fist porn movie?
Ale Tedesco: Usually on set you meet professional people who know how yo behave and you discuss very clearly the due’s and the dont’s. This doesnt mean that a fisting movie is fake, everything is real otherwise your asses would never open. In real life it is your own personal movie and without acting you need to create your private performance with your partner. Anyway usually prefer to be a top with unknow guy in order to be in control and only at later stage when I trust the person I can switch. Btw I usually play as fistee with some friends of mine.
Regarding chems I am not the one who pretends to judge someonelses behaviour, but when it gets to fisting I want to have a chems free session. It can be too dangerous if you not do it in a proper way, you have to be aware of that. Unfortunately I know too many people who have been ruined by that…
MasterMarc: I understand totally the reason why you want to have a chems free fist session. But I know also a lot of fistees, even in porn actors, who use often for example ketamin with the reason that it relax the ass. How do you react in such cases in private life and on a set?
Ale Tedesco: I don’t make an interview every time I have sex with s.b., but in case I’m aware I refuse. If you need ketamin to relax your ass, it means that you’re not prepared to listen to your body and that you’re not in control of what is happening to you. I can assure you that I know certain guys that can be fisted elbow deep without any “aid” … apart from a sniff of popper. If you pretend to substitute one of those ingredients I was mentioning at the beginning with chems … feel free, but not with me.

MasterMarc: You’ve told us, that you like water sports. Why is that such a turn on for you and do you drink it too?
Ale Tedesco: I’m usually more a top in watersports. I don’t usually drink it, unless it is very clean in taste, but I love thirsty people and I’m usually very generous with them. A big turn on for me is peeing in a ass and then fucking it. One of my phantasies is having a funnel in my ass and several people filling it with their pee… I need to stop otherwise I have a hard-on.
MasterMarc: Don’t stop! We like to hear your dirty phantasies and i am sure you have even more of it.
Ale Tedesco: I always try to realize my fantasies… so this still pending… who wanna come?
MasterMarc: Hey guys, that was an invitation to all of you …. don’t miss it! 🙂 Dear Ale, it was a pleasure to talk to you and we will continue our chat soon.
Ale Tedesco

love it