Bad Surprise
It was time to sleep. All the cells have been locked down for the night. Twink Spy lays down on his bunk. Everything is quiet. The only thing to be heard is the occasional squeaking of a prisoner’s bench, and a few lonely snores. He fades into sleep.
A little while later, after midnight, something else mixes in with the night noises though. The echoing sound of heavy, warden-booted feet against metal stairs. A big, masked man clothed in a prisoner’s outfit creeps up to the floor of twink spy’s cell.

The masked man continues to stealthily walk up to Twink Spy’s cell. He takes something out of his pocket. A key, the same ones the patrolling, but now strangely missing prison officers carry. He slowly walks in and stretches his hand out for the in deep exhaustion sleeping and unaware spy. “As long as you are in this prison, you cannot escape from me. I’ll fuck you every night…”

The big masked man grabs him by the throat. Twink Spy is brutally yanked out of his dreams. Still barely aware of his surroundings he tries to fight of the sudden attack. But he’s getting crushed and pinned underneath the huge body of the masked man, and his throat grab won’t let him scream. “Shut up and hold still. Then you might even enjoy it.”

“Your scream at the whip was the sexiest. Let me hear it again …” The masked man brutally squeezes the spy and presses his thick dick against him.

He keeps holding him in place and rips of his clothes. Then he grabs the spy’s leg with one of his big hands and forces him to turn around, trying to keep the spy down on the mattress with the other. Desperate to escape his grasp, Twink Spy tries to struggle and stretches out his hand towards the medicine oil he got from the young warden. He manages to snatch it, unscrew it with flick of his thumb and hurls the open bottle towards the masked man’s face.

“Aah! My eyes!” The masked man shrieks and lets got of him and wildly spins around, trying to get rid of the painfully stinging and burning fluid. Twink Spy quickly gets up. He sees his chance as the whincing big man stands in the doorframe.

He lunges out with his foot and kicks him with all his force. The masked man stumbles backwards, tipping over the railing, trying to grab onto it, but not finding any hold with his blinded eyes.

He falls two floors down on the ground. He does not move anymore. It is quiet. And only the sounds of the night can be heard again.

What will happen to our favorite Twink spy tomorrow morning? Will the masked man wake up again? …. You’ll get the answer in the next chapter of Meke2Tamagos kinky story on KINKFINITY.