The Punishment
It wasn’t too long until the officers rushed in to stop the boy. “You’re a fuckin nuisance, you know that! Who makes a fuss on the first day of imprisonment?! I should twist your arm and break it! ” Bob continued to put pressure on twink spy’s joints, painfully and definitely with more force than necessary to keep his not resisting victim still.

The seized spy was taken into a factory part of the prison, where they used the detained as free labor. They hung him from a machine on the ceiling, barely keeping his feet grounded on a box. Twink Spy wondered what was in store for him now. Then he saw Bob approaching him, a whip in his hands.

The prisoners on factury duty started to gather around them. Some looked at him with pityful eyes, others tried to keep at the back with fear, and a few malicious ones jabbed their mates and pointed at him in sneerful laughter. Apparently Bob wanted to make an example of him. “Corporal punishment is prohibited in this country. Isn’t what you’re planning here illegal?”

Bob didn’t answer him. He just swung his arm. “Take that, you bastard!” he shouted, but Twink Spy barely heard him over the wind noise from the whip and the “CRACK” reverberating throughout the factory hall. He felt the pain crawling up from his back. “I can’t scream,”, he thought to himself. “If I scream, I will show that Bob’s methods work, and the fear of him will worsen. I will not let that happen!”. He bit his teeth together and endured.

Pain filled his mind, and he desperately held his tongue and tried not to let out any sounds. Bob realized his intention. “I see haha… but how long can you endure? Let’s have a match.”

“Let’s make this more interesting!” he grunted, and with a kick of his foot pushed the box away that twink spy was balancing on.

Twink Spy suddenly felt his whole body weight crushing in on his arms and shoulders, which were still bruised from the brutal twisting of Bob. “Ahhhhh!” The spy couldn’t hold it in anymore, he shouted in unbearable pain. Bob deviously smiled at this figure who was hanging and writhing in agony.

“What a great and cute scream. Give me some more of these.” He uncoiled his bullwhip again. “Let me tear that beautiful skin into shreds.”

Bob struck the him over and over again with his full might. “Gyahhhhhhh!” The hellish painful combination broke Twink Spy’s mind, it was too much, he couldn’t suppress his screams anymore. He sweat, and coughed and gasped trying to get some air into his lungs inbetween the unvoluntary screams.

Suddenly Twink Spy noticed an unexpected break, as another officer put a hand on Bob’s shoulder: “Hey, careful, if you hurt this guy any more, his merchandise value will go down.” “Shit! Ok, ok”, Bob sighed annoyed, “just when I was getting into it. Alright!Today’s punishment is over. Everyone back on their posts!”. He shouted that last sentence across the hall, and the prisoners immediately followed their order. “What did he say?”, Twink Spy wondered, his mind still slow and hazy from the beating,” Merchandise value? What does he mean?”

Want to know the answer to Twink Spy’s question?…. Continue reading and find out, in the next chapters of Meke2Tamagos kinky story on KINKFINITY.