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THE MARK’s Dungeon Literature

Go around most anywhere there are people and you will see where they gather; pubs, sports centres, clubs. For a BDSM practitioner, the search for community has gotten easier with the internet and sites like You can read and interact with people who share your interest. And this sharing brings in a desire to meet, to be with others.

If you knew someone (or knew someone who knew someone) with a private location, you could meet with others and be your BDSM self. That often required going through a network of people and passing by word of mouth. Now, there are commercial dungeons that are BDSM community centres, semi-public gathering places you can visit without having to hope someone has a place.

And these become true community centres, focused on the BDSM community. Not only can you have a location to show your abilities, but opportunities to learn more of interest, and gain support. The chance to meet people brings not only companionship, but a greater opportunity to support the community you are part of.

Nashville (USA) has a local space called The Mark that provides a safe, open environment to engage with others of like mind, to gain new skills. As part of its community focus, they have established a Benevolence Fund to support members of the local community during times of hardship or crisis.This allows the community to come together and quickly respond to needs as they arise. In addition to moral support, funds help those in need.

Home to a number of talented, published authors, as well as interested amateurs (like myself), and to raise money for this Benevolence Fund, these writers came together to create a book of vignettes (flash fiction). Short stories designed to leave the reader wanting more. With a wide array, each one will leave you looking to your partner with new intensity. From the sensual to the cruel, there will be something you can live out, or simply desire.

Hot Flashes will turn you on, get your motor started, and have you revving for more. A perfect opportunity to not only assist your community, but stimulate you in ways you never dreamed. Use this to spark your desire, and as you satisfy that, look to your own local community to see how you can participate, as well. Make all the communities stronger.

Max Potter
Max Potter
Max Potter discovered an interest in domination and slavery at a very early age. First reading about historical accounts of slaves, that eventually turned to an interested in the Dom/sub culture. A voracious reader, he see dominance and submission in many passages. When a friend gives up something, when a man takes a metaphorical blow for someone else. When one will is subjected to another. For his writing, he looks for the unusual situation. It could be total reluctance on the part of the sub, or innovative commands given. Always on the lookout for a novel idea, he can be contacted at his Gmail account as maxrpotter.

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