Hello dear readers, today we got a puppy riot here. Well, not a real one (luckily), but by name. Hey Riot, why don’t you tell us a little bit about yourself? How did you find the “dark and rubbery side” of kink?
Hi. Hm I’d say I found it over lycra. As a child I always read superhero comics and Spider-Man, Batman, Robin and co. had their allure back then already. I still dream to get a real hot, authentic Robin costume once.
I always found lycra very cool back then when I saw it in pictures, but I never really dived into the whole fetish. A few years ago I suddenly got to try out a latex suit then, and the whole thing kinda fascinated and drew me in. Then, Mid 2017 I ordered my first catsuit and I sled more and more into it 😉
Haha well I believe almost every kinky comic lover I know somewhere has a hidden Robin-Bondage- Abduction fantasy. Does that apply to you too? And what do you find so special about this material that you like it so much?
Haha I don’t have those fantasies no… I just find the outfit of Dick Grayson really hot. Sadly I don’t have the figure to give it and the character justice. As you may already guess for me the attraction comes from the aesthetic viewpoint. If you for example look at photos of my fetish outfits, you may notice that I try to make sure everything fits together. The materiality and feeling on the skin only comes second to that. Maybe that’s why I like photographing kinksters and fetish outfits so much.
Interesting. Could you explain that a bit more in detail for us? What exactly is the aesthetic for you in fetish outfits like latex or others? What does catch your eye there, or do you wish would catch it? And is there an optimum for you, or standards what you like?
That’s a good question… It doesn’t necessarily need to catch the eye or be totally crazy gear. It just needs to go together with the person wearing it. That’s just like with normal clothing. I think one immediatly notices when someone feels comfortable in his outfit and everything just fits.
Lets take a non kink example that’s quite common to demonstrate what I mean: Suits. There are people that put on a suit and you just notice: That fits. He just wears it naturally. And then there are people that put one on and, no matter how expensive or custom-made it is, it just feels like he got accidentally stuck in one, and frantically tries to play a role. Exactly the same counts for me when it comes to fetish clothing.
In the end we always play a role in kink, whether we like it or not. And sometimes it fits to us, and sometimes it doesn’t. Don’t take me wrong, everybody should do what feels good and makes him happy, but for me that’s just a point that plays a big role when I interact with somebody on a kink and fetish base. And regarding all that I just wrote I’d say there isn’t an optimum or standard for gear that I really like. It just has to fit. Like a suit.
Seems like a really simple viewpoint. But I think it requires quite an open mind somehow. Does the aesthetic also go into the sexual play itself for you, over the initial attraction? Or does there another part of you take over 😉 ?
What do you mean open mind? I’m just honest when saying that I’m a superficial person when it comes to fetish. But if you consider that in this age of internet dating pictures are the first thing you see of each other, I wouldn’t say it’s a miracle. And if somebody wants to tell me he does not decide from the profile picture whether he writes him back or not, I think he’s lying.
I got my boyfriend, and with him I’m wholefully happy. Therefore I think I can also be choosy with potentional play partners. I am also not the kind of type for sex dates with strangers, just because I find the fetish hot… or in general. If I decide to play with somebody, then it’s someone I know better.
But I’m getting off topic. Back to your question haha. To sexual play there is much more than aesthetics for me. Trust, explicit arrangements, respect, communication and so on are all very important. I do, as I said, not play with strangers, because the fun does not repress the risk. You don’t know the borderpoints of the other, the mental health state, if he does respect the before arranged points, the stop word, if he’s got std’s and so on and so on.
And last but not least there is one person that does have the last say in the matter whether, even if everything fits, it will come to playing at all. And that’s my boyfriend. Without his OK nothing happens. That goes the other way around as well of course.
Those are important points indeed. And you seem to have a very open and communicating relationship. The trust between you must be deep. I assume that must also shows when you play with each other?
The old age trust question. For me it’s that because of my past I usually need a long time to build up a real base of trust to somebody. On my first BDSM- Experience I jumped head-on into the cold water and still am crazy-glad that I had a responsible play partner that time, who calmly and cautiously showed me everything.
My biggest fear is always that someone missuses the position he has in play to hurt me, bring unwanted pain or does other things that go against my personal will. With my boyfriend, this was different. I always laughed when others said “Love on first sight” and all those smoochy things. But I believe I had the luck of experiencing this firsthand now. The moment we both stood in front of each other in real life for the first time, it just made “click” in my head, and I was able to let myself go. I just feel comfortable around him, and I can’t thank him enough for this.
I am happy for you that you were able to make such a dreamy experience. On that keyword though, do you still have some kinky dreams you want to live out once with your boyfriend or others?
I am, concerning that, actually served pretty well. I was able to try out a lot with my boyfriend and am quite happy at the moment.
But if you go to kink in general, I would love to have the chance once to work together with a real good rigger and already experienced bondage model, and make a shooting at a cool location. I just think that professionally made bondage has an aesthetic that’s second to none.