Our Reader’s Fetish Life
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Pup Poda | 1992 | 185 cm | 59 kg | Nashville (US)
I’m always open to try something once, I think it’s the best way to explore what you like and don’t like.
How long have you already been living out your kinky side and how did you came to that?
I’ve been exploring and active in kink since I was 14. But I didn’t really grow up around people like me so I kept it to myself and my respective partner/Dom up until about 2 years ago I “came out as kinky”. I never remember the exact moment where I said to myself “oh yeah I think I like kink” it was just always my normal hah I never Invisioned sex being vanilla.
Whats especially important for you there?
I think it’s important that people in this country learn it’s ok to be open about these things. There’s such a huge stigma around kink and I wish I had exposure to it and validation that what I am is ok earlier on. Nobody should have to repress things, it’s amazing how much of an influence you can make just by being out. I really feel it’s especially important to teach society to accept and embrace themselves, not to hide behind closed doors.
Do you have special sexual and fetish preferences?
It would honestly be easier to list things that I’m NOT into hah but I think puppy play is the most obvious. I’ve always done my best to keep an open mind; I’ll try anything once! So there’s a lot that my Daddy and I are still exploring together.
What kind of guys do you like?
Awrawrawr! *Jumps and wags tail* okay so this varies a lot when it comes to physical appearance but I find myself more drawn to older Dominant men. This ranges from Twunks, hunks, jocks, bears, otters, Dad bod types, stocky, muscular, shredded I really don’t discriminate haha I don’t have preferences towards ethnicity or things like that but I like facial and chest hair! Basically as long as you can assert yourself over me i.e carry, move, hold, control me…I’m interested!
What was your hottest experience until now?
Arrff arrff *hides face* not sure how explicit I can get here but I’ve had heaps of public/outdoor experiences that I really treasure. Those and dungeons are probably my favorite memories. I recently went to a fetish convention in Florida where I was restrained to an X and received heaps of impact play from my Daddy, needless to say my jockstrap was soaked awrawrawr but afterwards they had an ENTIRE ROOM dedicated to cuddles! The entire place was filled with comforters, blankets, pillows, and stuffed animals!
Are there things/dreams you want to experience once?
Too many to list honestly! I’m always open to try something once, I think it’s the best way to explore what you like and don’t like. Trial and error! But if I had to pick one specific thing I think I would say to be part of a Folsom Street fair show.