Hello dear readers, I’m here today with a fellow red-coloured pup. Benji, can you please tell us a little about yourself? How did you first get in contact with kink and pup play, and what was your reaction?
Pup Benji
New South Wales

Hewlo dear readers. My name is Pup Benji and I’m a red 19 year old pup from Newcastle NSW Australia. I study and work full time in hospitality, and I am working towards being a recognizable face in the Puppyplay, leather and kink community.
Honestly the first time I ever saw puppyplay was when I was having a few days off school because I just had my wisdom teeth pulled, and I saw this article about pups and handlers and how it’s evolving in the community. I was like… hang on a minute humans dressed as dogs? This is a Roverdose! As a dog lover, I was intrigued.
I clicked on the link, and it turned out to be about this British documentary about this lovely pup having an interview, how he releases stress through not worrying about human emotions by transforming his mind into one of a dog’s. Now this was when I was still in school in my prelim years (second last year of high school) and I was stressed out like hell. And I was bullied because I was different. I liked sports and geeky things etc etc. The documentary somehow intrigued me. Of course I couldn’t say or announce it publicly so I kept the interest a secret.
So what happened was I waited until I was 18, being a good boy and when I reached legal age I joined the state NSW Pup group and went on Grindr.
Oh the british documentary. Yeah I remember that one XD Brought a little debate in the twitter community. What did you think about it?
Really at the time, I didn’t live for the social media stuff really. I only got twitter recently because I was at that point comfortable expressing myself and being a feisty little shit. I never saw the drama or the debate.
But the first experience watching it was interesting. I saw positives coming from it because it is an expression. A way to go away. Just like a Jolly ol Holiday!
Haha and when you got to try out pup play. What was your first time like?
Well basically it really made a difference. I felt happier. I love dogs and I have one actually, whom I look up to because coming home all I see is a waggy tail from her. And when I wag my butt I feel sexy, a sense of happiness, naughty and also a bit of rebellious.
Now it’s been a little since you got into it all. What changed since then? Did you get more immersed into the world of kink?
Well basically, when I got into it, I thought it was a non sexual thing. Like a wholesome thing. But I dug a little deeper and I found the whole roleplay/porn/sexual acts of it all. And I admit, I was into it. But I still was more interested in the dog/stress reliever thing. And when I went to Sydney to go to my first puppy meet, meeting kinky people whom are kind and patient enough to get my head into these things, it became my double life. Like sex is nice all and all, but it’s not everything what makes you a puppy.
2019 was a crazy year for me. Final year at school with crude final exams. I met people during weekends and learning more. I chatted to a Dom Handler from another state, and we got this long distance relationship which works for us, since we both are very busy. Like a mentor pup and handler relationship, and we met a few times and we get along. I learned a lot from him and basically if it wasnt for him, Benji would’ve been someone different. He made me feel like I’m a unique pup, and I am grateful.

But during my phases of that year, becoming more into the pup scene, I was trapped by exams and my folks. My parents are both Christian and, as your expect, when I conversed with them about this thing, they didn’t approve so much. They had and currently now don’t approve, but didnt ban it. I just don’t shove it in their faces. It’s fair because I lived under their roof, and I’m a guest, so I respect the rules.
Being a teenager, I was a Fucking little reckless shit. At first I never took this thing seriously. And it caused problems, but in my later years being 19 I went on. Never revealing my identity to strangers, keeping everything cool and non personal.
I just wanted to stay safe. So I basically made my close friends know about this, and they kept it a secret. When I received a k9 red hood as a gift from a Dom, I had to hide it in the house. Parents found it. And I was disowned. But when I completed school, I let myself free. So I went to Sydney and met a lot of people in the kink world. I took my after school vacation to my handler and he took me to my first Mosh and leather event last year at Xmas. Then I went to Mardi Gras and met my Boyfriend/Dominant/Monkey.
I became a face in the Australian community, sharing my life being a proud pup.

But…i got too horny for my own good xD Over the years of kink surfing, the videos of bondage & dom/sub made me kinda crave it, so yeah I kinda am pretty horny on twitter lol. Doing sexual activity being a pup is fun because its funny, exciting and it never gets boring. Bondage, submission, latex etc also adds flavour to the sex. However the passion for being my playful personality while not having sex is more enjoyable.
That is quite a journey. And I’m glad you found good people around you. It seems fetish has become quite a lifestyle for you. Or am I wrong there?
Haha just woofing, barking and wagging tail while having a squeaky ball in my mouth takes all the pain away. And no, you’re not, I have lots of fetishes.
Do you usually combine them with being in “benji” mode?
It is kind of torn up really. Because Benji is a good boy and he’s mainly himself when he’s being happy, horny and when he has his head on (he gets mad when people ask him his puppy head being a hood). He is always benji when submissive. The Human side of him is usually active when doing work or crucial things that need concentration. And he’s extremely horny 😉
Just as clarification, do you see benji as a part of you, as a mindset, or mood or character?
All of those actually. I think it’s more of a wholesome more fun side of me. And when I put on that hood, it just goes from one person/side into another.
You’ve become a face in the community by being a proud pup. What is it mostly you’re working towards, or wish it has as an effect?
Well I want to work towards being a person whom everybody can look up to. I believe in that no matter what challenges you face, you should always be who are are and do good things. Just do things that don’t hurt anyone and be happy. I wish I could have an effect, that people could come to me for advice. I want to listen to them, and also get to know people.

That’s an admirable goal and way to walk on 🙂 Last question. What would your ideal best day/weekend as a pup look like? What would it all entail?
Well I would wake up early in the morning and do some exercise, whether it’s a jog or a brief workout. Keeping puppy nice, cute and fit. Then I wake up my dominant by jumping on his bed in my pup gear, giving him pushies and romps. Then I make breakfast with him with my butt hanging out from my jockstrap. And afterwards just chill out after eating breakfast. Maybe go and do a scene, be nice and tied up. And then have lunch. Play a little with some squeaky toys and maybe have some pups around for an innocent dinner, and then afterwards Dom and I have some fun or just go to sleep
Sometimes it would be bondage or Puppyplay night, other times it could be arcade night, where our pup friends come round. I’ll be on the bed while the guys play video games and we will all be in our gear.

And then if one of the guys get horny, I’m there ready and waiting. I usually play safe. Only the Dom can breed me. I’m very cautious about breaking the HIV chain, and not getting sti’s. Once they’re done, we all sleep in a puppy pile and on the next morning, they all wake up to me licking their faces and shoving food down their mouths. That, or my bone 😉
Sounds lovable and fun. I hope that you soon get those weekends. And thank you for your time, I hope we’ll talk again some time in the future.
No problem my friend. I enjoyed conversing with you. Hopefully I can have the opportunity to participate more in the community!
Good boys credit their photographer ?