Hi Trunch. You are a Japanese artist, but you used also to live in Germany. It seems that you really love to illustrate shiny furry creatures. What is the attraction of these anthropomorphic animals for you?
I’m an animator for mostly Japanese content, and with that, you have to draw humans day in and day out. And many times, they end up looking the same, designs recycled a lot. Anthro characters, their flexibility in design is so fun to draw, that people in my industry really need to take advantage more of. You’ve got hundreds of species to choose from, and the markings and patterns and diversity of the designs of animals… It is truly wonderful to be able to incorporate it into anthropomorphic beings. And, they don’t always have to have completely human bodies, that is even better! Diversity, the main attraction to anthros for me.
You can’t deny that your creatures also have a sexual side, which seems to be very important, How does it come?
I’m not a very sexual person myself, being asexual and all, but I can understand why many people in the furry fandom see these creatures as a way to release the sexual side of them.
I find the sexiness of anthros coming from the way they’re drawn rather than them actually having sex–furry porn is a dime a dozen these days, the ability to appreciate it has withered away. But an artist who can draw furries well–either by them having a very stylized art style, or being able to draw the anatomy and shading well… ahh, that is pure sex for an artist. A+ content. But ah, I guess I’m weird, as most furries focus on the subject of the art rather than the skill or technique of the artist.
Humans are naturally attracted to shiny objects, as scientists believe it was a way to find water back in our primitive pasts
What is the fascination of LATEX? I can imagine that it is not easy to get that shiny effect in your paintings. How do you achieve this effect?
Humans are naturally attracted to shiny objects, as scientists believe it was a way to find water back in our primitive pasts. And latex is hella shiny! I also love robots, which metal is shiny too, so I think the attraction to latex stems from that. :p Some people like the darker BDSM connotations attached to latex, but I just love drawing it. It adds to the challenge of drawing.
With latex, I think, it’s a more forgiving material, since adding white specular on any part of the body, it’ll still look good! Pretty much anyone could add hard shine to a smooth surface, but I guess, in order to get something truly nice, you have to know anatomy. Once you know anatomy, you truly know where that hard light will hit on the contours of your body, and how wrinkles affect and scatter light. It’s something you can guess randomly and looks nice, but your skills will show when you study.

Some of your art works centres around the transformation of humans into latex beasts. What is the fascination of this transformation?
There are two sides, latex suit TF and goo TF. For latex suit TF, furries most likely feel a connection to their second skin, the suit that they put on. It’s one thing to wear the beast, and another to become the beast. I’ve heard many of them say that if they could transform with their suit in real life, they’d sell their souls for it, haha.
As for goo TF, it may be a loss of control, a mass of slime that has its own sentience, to take over their body, turn them into something else, that is the turn on point for goo-to-latex beast. It definitely is an interesting and complex task to render the goo, I love it =)

How do you connect to the furry fandom?
I used to be heavy into furry art. I liked drawing animals, so did other people. They liked my art, so I kept doing it for them. I don’t do it for the money, but because it gives me something to do. Keeps me sane.
And then as the internet grew, it became a more sexual community. With how things have gone recently in larger furry webs [with site administration on the largest furry site, FurAffinity] and groups, I’m kind of disillusioned by it… I know sex is fun for people, but when it’s the only thing people want you to draw, it kind of… I don’t know, chips away at you over time. Some of my professional art friends have snapped and left the furry fandom because it’s nothing but sex. It may not be the best thing to say, for an interview from a fetish site XD, But it seems to be the case for people who aren’t that heavily invested in furries to begin with.
It’s hard to connect with furries any more. That’s probably because I can’t enjoy sex. FML!