An Interview with David, an FF enthusiast and FF party organizer.
MasterMarc: Hi David. You’re a passionate fist lover from Belgium but now living in Berlin. For many years you have organised the FFunDeluxe party in Belgium and now you have a new “I Love Fist” party in Berlin. How have you explored your love to get fisted and to fist activly?
David: Hallo MasterMarc, yes I’m a passionate fist lover for almost 20 years. First as a bottom and now as a versa player. It started long time ago when I was addicted to be fucked with big cocks and I always wanted to have them bigger. Then one day a guy started with a few fingers and a bit later his hand was inside of my ass. An incredible feeling, because it’s 100 times better then getting fucked. But it can be very intense and it is also important that you have the right partner to play with. You must take your time in a relaxed place & atmosphere, good music, perfect lube, quality gloves… and then the FFun can begin …
MasterMarc: Can you describe us your emotions when you get fistet or when you’re fisting? How does it feel?
David: That depends of who’s my partner in the first place, I prefer to play with some one I know and who I can trust. If I have a total stranger in front of me it takes longer to get in the mood to receive his full fist inside. Fisting is very psychologic, don’t do it after a stressed day or when you don’t feel relaxed. A hot bath and / or massage can help in that case. Most important is taking your time… Start with 1 finger and slowly open the ass untill a hand can go inside. You need a lot of Crisco and a waterbased lube, I always heat it Up in the microwave. The feeling is every time different, it depends also on the hand size. For me I like it a bit bigger ofcours… LOL. And I like a lot of twisting ones the hand is inside and WIDE play, I’m not into DEEP ( a hole arm inside ), my body isn’t built for that. A good session can take 30-45 min. Then you can take a break and switch with your partner. Versa play sessions are the best, you can give the same as you did received… Heavy PUNCHING is the perfect end in the last round, so you can enjoy a few hours more afterwards!
MasterMarc: As I have also written in other articles, there isn’t another sexual practice in which the cunt of the passive guy is the most dominant part of the game. You can’t fist against the body of the passive guy. Allways an important thing for fistees is the preparation. Can you give us some advices about it, how to do the enema so that it is enough deep but not to deep?
David: When you want to been fisted, you have to make sure that your ass is ‘clean’ so you would have space to receive a fist or more (if you like it deep). If you planning a fist session in the evening, best way is that you don’t eat to much during the day. Then it’s good to start 2 hours before with ‘cleaning’ in the bathroom with a special shower ‘anal douche’. Always take your time and don’t stress your cunt. Additional medicine like ‘Imodium’ can also help you to avoid unpleasant ‘surprises’ during your fist session
MasterMarc: What was your hottest fist experiences you’ve ever had?
David: That’s so difficult to say, but I had always amazing good times at the FF weekends in Club Losch in Vienna (4 times a year). One morning I left this club with 5 other FFriends of mine to continue a afterparty in my hotelroom. Before leaving I wrote my room number 222 on some little papers and invited some other hot guys. Finally the group was so large, about 15 greedy butts ended up, there was almost no place anymore to lie down. So I remember I toke so much fists during hours… a real FF-marathon ! My ass was in a 7th heaven… LOL Afterwards I had so much work to clean the place, but it was more then worth it.
MasterMarc: Sounds amazing, but can you tell us also about your most extream experience if we have a spot on the fist action?
David: Sure, one time I was fisted by a older guy from Hungary, I don’t know exactly what he did, but I had during that session, 3 orgasmes without touching my dick ! I shouted for joy and could not believe it, that was so exceptional. At the end I wanted to marry him.
MasterMarc: As I have told in the beginning, you are the organizer of fisting events. How does it come?
David: Before I organized the parties myself, I travelled all the world for FF events. So in that period I’ve met so much guys into fisting and some of them became real FF budy’s. The fist scene is like a little family, everyone knows each other. When I started with the 1st ‘FFun Deluxe’ party a lot of guys that I knew decided to travel to Belgium. It was private and only selected guys were able to make a reservation to attend the night. So there was a perfect mix with also the new visitors. Every party I was very nervous, because it was so stressful to prepare everything, I had a big responsibility. The complet apartment was transferred into a big playroom with a lot of equipment. It was always 2 days work before to set up (and 2 days to clean). In the beginning from every party, there was a reception and that was the perfect way to introduce the newcomers to the other guys.
Later when I moved to Berlin I realized that I had to do something with the FF network I had, so I started with the public ‘I Love Fist’ parties in Club Culture Houze and the Fistival-weekends in The Boots club in Antwerp. These are without registration, the crowd is different, but that does not mean that it’s less FFun ! Here I focus myself more as the host to welcome the visitors. But sure I will end up in a sling later on the evening… haha…
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MasterMarc: Can you tell us, what the guests of your party can expect and what’s usually going on?
David: For my next Fistival event I expect a lot of International visitors. The advertising from this FF party weekend, is published in The Boots – and other specialized fetish magazines across Europe. So I received already a lot of confirmations, also from a couple from New York City and other good FFriends of mine. So you can expect a nice crowd together and that creates a relaxed atmosphere. We start on friday night between 21h30 – 22h30 with a reception. This is a good way to get to know each other a bit personally, before discovering each others ass… LOL The saturday is the most crowded night, a lot of regular clients from The Boots are joining then too. On this night all the area’s are open, also the cellar. So you have plenty of place to play and get your arch lubed up ! Sunday (from 17h) is more quiet and intimate. On this last day you usually will meet the ‘die hards” of the fisting scene. For me personally it’s the best day. To organise such a weekend brings a lot of work and this is the final chapter where I can let myself go…
MasterMarc: Sounds like a lot of fun. And of course, organizing events is a lot of work and I’m happy that you have also your fun at the end. You have told us before that you like to be fisted by people you know because you need trust for good fisting action. But at the same time you organize public fisting parties. How is it at such parties? If trust is so important, how can you enjoy such nights of cruising at fist parties?
David: Told you that I prefer to play with some one I know. That’s more easy, because you have already a kind of trust. Fisting became very popular the last years and a lot of guys wants to try it out. In that case my advice is to try it out the 1st time in a relaxed place (at home) and with someone you know with FF experience. But it can be also very exciting to be surprised by a total stranger on a public party or in a sex club. The fact is that always before starting their should be a small talk about the way you like to be fisted. Some guys like it ‘wide’ and others are into ‘deep’, ‘punching’, … Also about the use of different creams/lubes: Crisco, J-Lube, Slam Dunk, Elbow Grease, …
And during the fist session… the fister (top) should always listen to the fistee (bottom) who have a responsibility to let his partner know he’s okay. That is very important when he needs a slow down, a ‘break’ or when he wants to ’stop’… It can be dangerous otherwise, there are risks associated with fisting and damage can happen. Take always your time, go slowly and don’t push. A good fister is always focused on the needs of the fistee.
MasterMarc: Discuss about the lube? Can you tell us the differences between the different lubes and why some are better than others?
David: Crisco is a brand, popular in the United States, they use it for cooking cakes, pastry, frying in the kitchen. It consists of a blend of soybean oil, fully hydrogenated palm oil, and partially hydrogenated palm and soybean oils. So it’s perfect to use for fisting. There are guys who only use this product, but I recommend this in combination with J-Lube. This is a concentrated powder that dissolves in water and is a very effective lubricant. When mixed with water, it produces a thick, clear, extremely slippery lubricant whose intended purpose is to aid in gynecological examinations for farm animals. However, it is the best lubricant I have ever encountered, easy to mix and inexpensive. When I use it I always heat it up in the microwave, so it feels warm in my ass. But cleaning afterwards is not so easy, you can rub some salt into the J-Lube to dissolve it.
Other products who are popular are Slam Dunk, Elbow Grease, the ‘MrB’ FIST classic & hot jelly. I tried them before, but they are not really my favorites.
MasterMarc: Hey David, thank you for your time. It was nice to get an insight and also your advices. Wish you all teh best for your next parties.
What do you think about FF parties and cruising? PLEASE write a comment!
Do you ever have fisting parties in the USA, Atlanta ??
I wish i would fisted by Many guys before im starting to Ride every feet