MasterMarc: Hi Jimmy. You’re a 23yo submissive and inked boy from Colorado who is totally into HEAVY BONDAGE. As everybody sees it different I would love to know, what is heavy bondage for you and what is the difference between it and normal bondage?
JimmyUSMC: Heavy bondage for me, is an ever changing spectrum. To me, it’s getting someone to the most helpless state possible through restraints. Bondage to the point where there’s absolutely zero chance of escape, even if you had the keys readily available. You can achieve the helpless feeling with handcuffs alone of course, but for some reason that’s never been enough for me. I’ve always opted for strait-jackets and sleep-sacks. They simply deliver that helpless feeling on a platter. I’m constantly looking for different scenarios, gear and positions that give that affect. Heavy bondage is an insatiable thirst for me, there’s always room to get heavier haha. Overkill is preferred.
Jimmy USMC
Colorado (U.S.)

I adore the feeling of being a bondage slave, an object specifically for the pleasure of others.
MasterMarc: Can you tell us, why the feeling of being helpless and without any way to escape is so desirable for you? What exactly do you love if you are in such a position?
JimmyUSMC: I’m not sure if I’ll ever truly be able to pin point why I am this way. It’s just always been a huge part of me. I just love being hopelessly trapped. Simply an object with no choices or options. It can actually be quite therapeutic too. It forces you to relax and just live in that moment, because there’s really nothing else you can do haha. Usually all my problems tend to fade away as I slowly drift into subspace. I’ve been on a constant quest to find the heaviest bondage experiences possible. Luckily I’ve met a lot of friends along the way.

MasterMarc: Is it just the bondage and to feel helpless which you like or do you also like to be used, as kind of consent abuse, for sexual action without being able to reject it?
JimmyUSMC: It depends on the scene. I do love that aspect, just being a sexual slave, object for someone to do whatever they want with. I love that feeling of being forced and not being able to do a thing about it. Sometimes I also like to be left, abandoned that way. It’s another one of those things that kind of makes the helplessness feel sink in even more. All alone and in inescapable bondage, not knowing when/ if you will be released, or who will walk in on you.
MasterMarc: Would you say that you’re submissive guy or do you just like to be forced to such kind of action at moments you’re helpless and delivered to others?
JimmyUSMC: I’m definitely submissive. I bottom a lot more than I top but I do like to switch because I love putting people in heavy bondage as well. It’s a way for me to try new things and get creative. I love putting people in the same, inescapably helpless situations I’m often in so they know how it feels! It’s amazing. But I adore the feeling of being a bondage slave, an object specifically for the pleasure of others. Living in constant bondage.
MasterMarc: Can you describe us a little the sensations and feelings you have, if you are in such a situation? Can you tell us how it is to be in a situation in which you never know what is coming next?
JimmyUSMC: I love the fact that you have zero choice or say in anything. Because you are physically incapable of fighting back. At that point you are just a thing to be used. I love being clueless as to what will happen next. It can be even more extreme when blindfolded or hooded. Then your senses are essentially non-existent and even the slightest touch can send you squirming. I just love knowing that I’m that position I have absolutely zero power, and that it’s completely up to them what happens to me. If they let me out, or keep me as a bondage slave 🙂
MasterMarc: How important is trust and your own safety in such moments? How do you select with who you’ll play?
JimmyUSMC: Trust is a must, it has to be there. I don’t do bondage with anyone unless that has been strongly established first. It’s paramount to trust that person when they are going to have all power over you and your body. Also, if you do not trust someone fully, I think it would certainly take away from the fun, even if nothing bad happened.

MasterMarc: You have told us, that a lot depends on the scene. What kind of scenes have you been talking about? Can you present us some of the scenes you like to play?
JimmyUSMC: For the most part I play with people whom I’m also sexually active with. Not to say that I don’t play with people who I’m not! I do a lot of shibari that doesn’t end in sex, but when we’re doing a heavy gear scene it usually ends that way. A typical scene involves being put in heavy restraints, leather, steel and a whole lot of padlocks. Usually some impact, sensation play and a whole lot of teasing, that’s for sure haha. I love long term bondage so I tend to stay in bondage for a few hours even after a scene is over, depending on if it’s sustainable or not.
I’ve done a ton of play where it’s just heavy bondage only and I love that too. I love being put in heavy bondage a left for hours on end.
MasterMarc: Now you really got to tell us about your hottest experiences.
JimmyUSMC: One of the hottest experiences I ever had was when I was stationed in Hawaii. I met an older Chinese woman that was traveling to Hawaii for a week or so and we decided to meet and hopefully do some bondage play. We hit it off, and ended up having 3 days of constant play and bondage. But one day, we got dinner and came up to her hotel room. She decided to take a shower and she told me to tie myself up for her. Being who I am, and being someone that loves/ practices self bondage frequently, I don’t take it easy on myself. I tied my legs to the legs of the chair, shackled them together with leg cuffs as well, bandana gagged myself with multiple layers, muzzled myself, strapped a belt around my waist and to the char, tied a scarf around my balls tight and tied it off to the arms of the chair, then linked two sets of cuffs to another set that pulled up to the top bar of the chair, and then sealed my fate. Once those handcuffs clicked I was so turned on I probably could have cum right then, but I tried to keep my composure for her. I’ve never cuffed myself so quickly either haha, I was in heaven. She came out nearly 40 minutes later. I loved the anticipation, and seeing her face as she came around the corner. She grinned as she said “this is beautiful”, and tugged on the scarf tied around my balls. The proceeded to have her way with me for hours, which led to her fitting her legs between the chair arms and riding my cock until we both came (me, multiple times). It was some of the hottest sex I’ve ever had. She was so exhausted that she’s laid back on the bed afterward and left me there in my bondage, which I loved. I was there for almost 4 hours until she let me out. And afterward I slept in my sleepsack, collared, gagged and blindfolded 😉 . I have pictures from this night as well. I’ve had a plethora of great experiences, many that didn’t even involve sex and are still on that same level.
MasterMarc: Do you play just with women? I am just asking as I know that you like suspension too and that needs a lot of strengh.
JimmyUSMC: I play with woman mostly but I play with men a lot too. Those are the times when it’s just heavy bondage alone. I’ve shot for Serious Male Bondage and Men in Chains which are both gay bondage sites. I’ve had a ton of fun shooting with them both. Suspension-wise, when it comes to shibari, a woman can actually suspend a man rather easily if she knows what she’s doing. I’ve been suspended by a girl far smaller than I many times.
MasterMarc: If you play as bondage top what kind of feelings and sensations do you get? What is different? And what are you enjoying as top, if you say that you are a submissive guy.
JimmyUSMC: I just enjoy putting people in the same situations I love being in. I love it because I know that side of it and I know exactly how it feels. And it allows me to get crazy with restraints haha. It turns me on to be tied up, but also by putting someone into extreme bondage and having that same power over them. I love knowing that I have a girl chained up in my closet and she can’t do anything about it. Consensually of course, lol. I’m certainly no dom, but I enjoy topping for bondage.
MasterMarc: Are you really topping in such situations or do you have a film in your head in which the roles are exchanged?
JimmyUSMC: I’d say It’s a mix. I enjoy putting others in bondage but I also enjoy it because I know how I’d feel in their position and think of myself in their position as well. I do like having that power though sometimes, I like the idea of keeping someone in bondage and making them mine, haha.

MasterMarc: Hehe, I am sure that a boy with your experience as sub knows how to make others totally helpless. But I am sure that the sub in yourself has still a lot of fantasies and bondage dreams for the future. Can you tell us about some and which difficulties you see to realise them?
JimmyUSMC: Oh I have so many haha. One specific scene I’d really like to do would be this. I’d like to be put into a full leather bondage suit, locked in a leather sleepsack, hooded and locked into a heavy duty sensory deprivation hood, posture collared, placed into a body length cage, chains from the sack locked up and down the cage to further restrict movement (including to collar and hood), cage padlocked shut with a plethora of locks, the cage put into a steel box, more locks, and then dropped into and underground cell, with doors closed and locked above and left there for as long as humanly possible. An unsustainable fantasy of mine would be to be captured or put into a heavy bondage prison for a life sentence, where you are in constant bondage while you are there, and stay in constant bondage there forever, with no possibility of escape. Of course this one is a hard one to make a reality, but I’m sure I could make it happen for a week or two, or maybe eventually a few months.
Eventually I’d like to find a woman that is mostly top, that loves bondage as much as I do, and can make some of these dreams a reality.
MasterMarc: What was the longest time you have ever been in bondage, without a possibility to move?
JimmyUSMC: The longest I’ve ever been tied up is around 9-10 hours. I’ll definitely always be pushing that number though. Only things that makes it hard is having to use the restroom and eating haha. Soon I’d like to spend a day or two in constant bondage. Eventually it will be weeks/ months. If only I could really live that way forever. I’d sign up quick, haha.
MasterMarc: Hehe, what do you think about diapers and catheters? Are that tools you would accept for long term bondage and you have experiences with?
JimmyUSMC: Diapers are definitely a no go for me, but I’ve thought about catheters before. Not sure if I’ll give them a go or not but it would allow for me to push much farther. In a controlled environment like a jail/ jail cell I could be released through the bars and allowed to use the restroom and then be shackled again without any chance of escape. Such as at Mark Binds prison in Iowa. That idea intrigued me as well. Even though I’d technically be free for a moment I’d still be trapped inside the cell block, and my only option would be to go back into bondage.
MasterMarc: Often such jail fantasies are in combination with sexual abuse by other men. Would you be fine with it?
JimmyUSMC: I like the idea of overall torment when it comes to treatment, restraints, etc. But since I’m straight it wouldn’t be anything sexual. I do like the idea of being forced however, just not with men.

MasterMarc: Do you think a guy in such a situation can select which kind of use and “abuse” he has to suffer? You are a boy who is really taking care about his athletic and inked body. How would you be able to maintain it if you would be in long term heavy chastity?
JimmyUSMC: Well I mean, regardless of the scene there’s of course the pre-set limits, but I’d certainly let them get creative with the abuse. I like to get into the scene as much as I can so it’s as authentic as possible. However, I wouldn’t allow anything sexual since I am straight. If I were in long term chastity I still think I’d be perfectly fine when it comes to training and staying fit. Certainly would be a distraction at the gym though haha.
MasterMarc: Hehe. Is chastity something you like in general?
JimmyUSMC: I like the idea of chastity, and it’s fun to mess around with here and there but I haven’t tried anything long-term. It would be hard to do in my case due to my hobbies. Maybe down the road I might be able to try it for longer periods of time but for now it doesn’t seem feasible.
MasterMarc: That is the nice thing in fetish life, there will be always new experiences to do. It was a pleasure to talk to you, boy and I wish you a lot of new fettered experiences.