Presented by: Pup se7en
Ever had a game evening and thought: “Hahh I wish I could make this a bit kinkier?”. Well ponder no more, cause we got you covered. We’ve created a fun little collection of game ideas and upgrades to your board game collection that you can play with your fetish friends. Here’s the second one!
There are lots of ways to add some kinky fun into a boardgame evening with your friends. One way we showed you last time with our Kinky Task Jenga. We also had some other ideas of course.
Battleship Dare Game
Most people played this game in their school year at least once. But probably never with stakes.
Required Tools:
- Battleship Game or…
- Paper
- 2 Pens
- Scissors
- (glue or tape maybe for securing ship positions)
- A book or something to cover your playmate from seeing your ship positions
… and maybe something to drink. To get brave enough to fulfill the dares 😉
Take out your battleship game. If you don’t have one, you can also use our premade game sheets and use those. Both files are made to A4 standard for easy printing. Just cut off the dotted line, and maybe cut out the battleships if you want to use them for marking the positions.
If you don’t have access a printer, just take 2 sheets of paper and draw a 10×10 field table. Mark them A-J from up to down, and 1-10 left to right. Now you each of you mark your ship positions. You’ve got small patrol boats (2 Fields), a battleship (3 Fields), a submarine (3 Fields), and a carrier (4 fields).
So far, still your average known game.
Now comes the kinky part.
1: Talk to each other and write a task (maybe take inspiration from our Jenga game?) for each of the vessels you command. The bigger the vessel, the larger/more daring the task. If you’re really up for a good time, write a task for each of your fields taken by a vessel.
Playing the Game
Now you play. There are again a few versions you can do that. Either:
1: Everyone who has their vessel sunk has to obey that task.
2: Only the loser of the game has to obey the tasks.
3: If you’re a Master/Dom, and want your sub/slave to do some things on an evening, but can’t or don’t want to decide, you can also just play this game with him as the only task fulfiller to see what he shall do for you. Or, if you’re in a nice mood, maybe make your side’s tasks some small favours for him if he wins 😉
For a normal game, I’d recommend Nr. 1. It’s more fun. Everyone risks something with each ship. Nr. 2 is more of an immediate “All In” version. You’d have to fulfill all tasks if you lose. Or none if you win. Takes away a little bit of the dare for each player. T
You can also make the additional rule that only a certain amount of shots are available to each player for each of these. This makes particularly version 3 more interesting.
And, if you’re feeling up for a more tactical time, you can also make a game with 3 players. Where everybody has 1 shot for each player on his turn. Be aware though that your 2 enemies might play together against you 😉
That’s it already. You know and have everything required for this game. It is easy and quick, so perfect for before an evening if you don’t know what to do, or a break inbetween a session. Have fun trying it out!