If you check out insults in different cultures it seems that our fetish world turned humiliations into positive kinks. In islamic countries dogs are dirty, President Bush Jr. has been attacked during a press conference by a man throwing a shoe in direction of the politican and never ever show the soles of your feet to a Thai person. Most of our bottoms here would be happy to be treated this way. My guests today are definitely not insulted if I show them my soles.
Hi Reece. As we have been chatting you’ve told me that feet are your main kink. What makes feet such a turn on for you?
The sweaty smell is like taking a child to a candy shop
I didn’t know that at all, you learn something new everyday. I feel bad for the Thai, if they have a foot fetishes. They need to scral that straight away haha.
Why feet turn me on? Well its because of the touch of them rubbing against each other. The sweaty smell is like taking a child to a candy shop, they crave them goodies because of the smell. If you meet the right guy with a strong feramon its like a drug you get hooked. The way some look its like looking at the last piece of cake, you know itll be wrong to but you can’t help it but kiss them and touch them.
To lick feet is something i love to do. It becomes humiliating if it is in combination with tickling or if you get forced to kiss and lick them. Not the action but the circumstances can give.

So feet are something very sexual to our British boy Reece. How is it on the other side of the canal. Hi Amaroq. How important is feet action for you as sub?
Move those feet and toes and it makes me go wild
Important wise it’s up there, I myself love feet and the smell that goes with them. Feet make me super submissive and if they have a strong scent I hit subby bottom. So in short of you want to get me submissive, smelly feet are the go-to.
What kind of feet action do you like and can you tell me, what is good feet action for you?
Well, I love if feet just get given to me and I can lick, sniff, kiss and love them all I want or if I get forced to that is also nice of course. And good feet action to me is a person who uses the foot on me and moves those toes. I really dislike it when people just flop their feet there and don’t move them one bit. Move those feet and toes and it makes me go wild.
Seems that feet have for you more a sexual attraction than a humiliating one. Am I right?
Yes, way more sexual, I mean I suppose it is humiliating but even when I’m surrounded be people and feet get presented to me, I forget the humiliation part and it just makes me very horny .
Most things that sexually attract me are feet, smell and the usage of hands ^^` , and of course humiliation as well, but on a different level. Getting forced in specific clothing is very nice aswell.

Seems that European boys into feet love first the feet and second the humiliation. Let us do our next visit a little more in the east. FFag is living in Berlin, but he has his roots in the southeast of Europe. Hey FFag. I know you don’t like feet, but you like to be forced to lick them. Why?
feet are located at the bottom part of the body so it is for fags
I dont like feet is not the right sentence for it maybe, but i am not into feet. It doesnt turn me on. But feet are located at the bottom part of the body, so it is for fags. Moreover, it often stays covered, which means it smells and gets sweaty, so it is also disgusting. I don’t mean in a bad way, actually in a good one for a fag, because u can show that u love ur master and u respect him so much, by showing u are ok with any part of his body.
To kiss the feet was not only in cultures like in old persia but also in western cultures a deep sign of submission. Catholic kings and princes kissed the pope’s feet to show that they are faithful liege. Does it also have for you in your kinkster life such a symbolic?
I saw some catholic religious stuff when the pope was washing feet etc. i dont think it is about that. I like the feeling of being under someone’s feet or leg, it feels like it is a nice place for a slave to stay. I feel protected and cared, even if there is a high chance of me getting kicked. And licking is pretty much the same, I like to do something which a normal bottom wouldn’t do because it is so humiliating or disgusting.
As I’ve told you in the introduction, to show the sole of your feet is an insult for a Thai. My next fag guest is Thai. Hi boy, what do you feel if someone shows you his soles and you get ordered to lick it?
At this moment I feel that I am a kind of subhuman
I think it’s degrading in Thai culture, but as a sub fag I have to obey my master and lick his soles as he ordered. I like the submissive feeling of licking someone’s feet and I feel horny when i lick and clean to savour superior man’s feet.
Do you like the feet or do you like the humiliating aspect of it, that you have to do something which is more than just an insult in your culture?
I think I like both of it, when I see beautiful feet I don’t see it’s humiliating to lick it, but I really enjoy the humiliation aspect as well. To lick the feet of another man is humiliating, even more if a dom of another race orders me to lick it. In this moment I feel that I am a kind of subhuman which exists to serve superior men. That is what I am and what I want to be.
Would you ever show your soles to a superior man without being ordered to do it?
I wouldn’t do that. It is an insult and a fag like me should honor superior men. If I would do that without being ordered I would expect a hard punishment for my misbehaviour.

Our last station in our foot-trip from east to west is China. My next guest is a naked model and slave to rent in Hong-Kong. Hi Bobby, you seem to have a special relationship to feet. Hi Bobby, why that?
It is shameful but at the same time exciting
You know I work as fetish model. So latest before I start work I take my clothes off and i’m naked all the time. After work I’m just not in the mood to put on my shoes again. It feels much more comfortable without. So I started to live as long as possible a barefoot life. 🙂 I really like the feeling it gives and it is nice to see how dirty and black your soles are becoming.
Would you ever lick such dirty feet clean as you get when you’re walking barefoot?
Yes I did. It was totally disgusting but i got forced to do it and belive me, that have made a big turn on out of the situation. The top even has ejaculated over his feet. I felt so dirty but I tried my best to do a good job to not disappoint the top, but that was not easy. 🙂
How popular is feet action in China?
Oh in gay circles it has become very popular. As bigger and stinkier they are as better. Especially in universities and sports colleges, it is a common fetish for gay people. Foot slaves usually serve regularly, and the feet action is in the center of attention. The sportsmen love to share also their feet slave. So the humiliating aspect is an important one in this kind of action. But it is not the only humiliation they have to suffer. After having licked all the stinky feet they get also used as urinal or get gang banged.

The way you’re telling that it seems that you have made this experience too. And do you like this kind of treatment?
Yes I do! To be under the feet of a man is like heaven. Even more if I’m on the floor like a dog, looking up to the Master and than I enjoy to give him pleasure by licking it, by worshipping every toe slowly and then to lick his soles. It is shameful, but at the same time exciting. If you are at someones feet, you are at the lowest position. It is a psychological humiliation. And for a human dog like me, it is the right thing to be such a sex toy for a Master and to serve for his satisfaction.