While waiting for my piercings to heal and my tattoo design to be finalized, Master decided to do a branding on His slave’s butt Himself.
Master did a branding on me several years ago with a violet wand and a special electrode. It was actually quite effective – a single pass made the brand last for a year before it fully disappeared. Master decided to do the same way as the tools were there. i proposed to experiment with stencil and Master got this 1-inch set. It’s made of thick paper so not conductive of either electricity or heat.
Master put me on the spanking bench for good access and taped one stencil on my butt, then started to do “passes” over my slave skin exposed through the carved character. The wand buzzed loudly with sparks, and the room was full of ozone smell. The special branding electrode concentrated energy on a single point, and i felt like being stung with hot needles. It was painful but not too bad – at least not so much as a hot iron.
Master experimented with 4 passes on the first character, waiting a little time in between to let it develop and check the progress. The pain got stronger with each additional pass, probably because it burnt deeper into skin each time. When Master was satisfied with the result, He removed the stencil and move on to tape the next one, and the next one. i kept quiet and docile on the bench, enduring the burning pain while getting so curious about the result.
After another 8 characters each with 3 passes, Master completed His work on His property. The burnt characters swelled with a pink color around them and a rough surface of dead skin. The edge didn’t look sharp enough as intended at the beginning.
The next morning when i pulled off my pants and looked at the mirror, i got a big smile on my face. The characters turned into purple brown and became much more defined.
After 5 days, now they still hurt a bit if scratched. A thin crust is formed on the surface and it looks like composed of thousands of “pixels”, which i guess are left by thousands of electric sparks. The branding may be still not permanent as it’s not so deep as a so-called 3rd-degree burn, but it will last for several years for sure – and the great part is that Master can do more passes on them any time or decide to burn deep enough to be permanent. How cool is that?!
United States

That’s nice