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FETISH WEEK LONDON 2016 has started! The first feedbacks.

Yesterday this summers fetish highlight started. The Fetish Week London 2016 has had his opening party with its “invite only party“. We are going to give you a little inside and hope that you will join us and visit some of the parties. We as sadOsam team for once are really happy and excited to visit our Recon friends in London. Hope you do the same and you’ll enjoy the events.


Do you want to know more about the program of Fetish Week London with its many parties and other events? Then just click here.


Before we get some statements of fetish guys who visited the opening party we’re gonna ask Antoin, the responsable organizer of the Fetish Week London. Here’s what he has to tell us after the first #fwl event:

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2016 marks the 3rd year that we kick-start Fetish Week London with our Premium Members’ Party. It’s an opportunity for us to give something back to a selection of our top members. Thousands applied for the invitation and 300 were chosen at random. I really enjoyed chatting to everyone. This year’s secret venue was BEAT Club – an underground private member’s club near Oxford Circus. A pair of Storm Troopers greeted our friendly crowd of hot guys – most of whom were completely geared up. With free canapés and free flowing booze all night, I think everyone left feeling great. This kind of social event continues to prove to be the perfect way to get people together. There was such a huge demand for tickets, we might have to find a larger venue next year. Hopefully we can continue to try to get more people to come out. First event done – 11 more to go!



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Recon profile
Picture by Archie Alpha


sadOsam: Hi, you’ve visited the #fwl16 opening party yesterday. How did you like it?


PuppyM: I loved the opening party. It starts the week off really well. People make an effort on their gear with all styles represented and the venue and production is always great. It was my third year attending.


sadOsam: You surely have been waiting for this week. What are the highlights you’re looking forward to and why?


PuppyM: I’m really looking forward to the whole week. I’ve taken this year from work so I can attend more events, so for me highlights will be things I haven’t attended before like the film screening and the dinner.

I’m also looking forward to the skinhead event,something that’s a new fetish for me, I haven’t attended a large skin event before


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sadOsam: Hi, you’ve visited the #fwl16 opening party yesterday. How did you like it?


TiBo: I had the pleasure of attending the Recon Premium Members Party yesterday. As always I was in my full rubber gear eager to meet new rubber guys. Coming down the stairs and into the venue I immediately was lifted up just by the smell of all the guys in Rubber. Amazing is the work that describes it! Stepping into it all surrounding myself with so many rubber guys just made me feel like I’m in heaven.


sadOsam: You surely have been waiting for this week. What are the highlights you’re looking forward to and why?


TiBo: Well MasterMarc there are so many events that a Rubber Kinkster like TiBo can’t live without so I will try to attending it all! But this coming Tuesday I will be “high and horny” while attending “The Bondage Masterclass'” That is an event I will NOT miss out on. Thinking of rope around your rubber just makes me sooo horny! Then of course as TiBo is a Rubber Dog the “Best In Show” event at Fire on Wednesday is a “must be at” event! Think of all the puppies, dogs, handlers, Sirs and Masters. *Wruuuf* The event that is highest on my list; is of course the “Rubber Gear Party” on Sunday at Union. This is where I will bring the pig and sleaziest part of me out to play! Don’t judge … I am a Rubber Sleazy Pig and I will join ALL the FFucking action coming my rubber way. Last but not least I have to attend the “Full Fetish” Recon’s International Fetish Peary here in London at The Coronet Theatre. This is the place to be at. Just think of the incredible line-up of international DJ’s who will be playing the largest fetish dancefloor here in London add then on top of that 4 huge cruise and play areas and and and sooo much more.



Recon profile


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Recon profile
Picture by Matt Spike


sadOsam: Hi, you’ve visited the #fwl16 opening party yesterday. How was it?


Brock: I thought it got off to a great start! We had a well-attended party in a cozy underground space, and nearly everyone came in their best fetish gear. I was impressed by how many men went all-out to express and enjoy what they love: there were leather and rubber pups, BLUF men, police and SWAT teams, skinheads, gimps, Masters, slaves, and even Imperial stormtroopers. The organisation was excellent, and the environment was social, relaxed, friendly, and fun. Just perfect for the launch party for the whole week.


sadOsam: You surely have been waiting for this week. What are the highlights you’re looking forward to and why?


Brock: Definitely the highlight of the week will be Wednesday’s Best in Show, the first ever pup event and contest held during Fetish Week.

They’ve got a full contest and dog show lined up for pups and handlers, complete with a panel of guest judges headed up by this year’s Mr Puppy UK and some great prizes, as well as a pup play area and mosh. Lots of pups I know will be going, and it’ll be a great chance to meet and play with other pups and handlers. Plus, because it’s a pup event, everyone’s bound to be geared up and friendly, and like most pup events, it’ll be social and inviting and lots of fun.

I’m really looking forward to seeing all my pup friends there!


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sadOsam: Hi, you’ve visited the #fwl16 opening party yesterday. How did you like it?


Archie Alpha: I always really enjoy the Recon premium party, its one of my favourite events of the week. It’s great to gear up and chill out with good friends whilst drinking copious amounts of free booze. Walking down oxford street to the venue in full leather raised a few tourist eyebrows but when we saw two storm troopers standing outside the club we knew we were in the right place. Everyone in the club looked so amazing wearing rubber, leather, sports kit, pup gear, uniforms and so much more. I wasn’t sure any venue could quite live up to the awesome HMS President on the Thames last year but Recon pulled it out of the bag again this year with this awesome basement venue.


sadOsam: You surely’ ve been looking forward to this week. What are the highlights you’re expecting and why?


Archie Alpha: I’m really looking forward to seeing how the new Best in Show event works out. I won’t be entering the competition but I’ll be handing a friend for one of the stages. As it’s a brand new event I don’t think anyone knows quite what to expect from it, so that’s kind of exciting in itself. This year is the last year that Full Fetish will be at the Coronet, so I’m really looking forward to making the most of that night. It’l be a shame to loose the coronet as venue but it’s being re-developed. With it’s arches and huge dance floor / stage area it’s a great location for a fetish event. It’ll also be the first time I go to a fetish event in my new AA suit and pup gear!



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Fetish Week Programm



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