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Every partner you play with will have different wants, needs, kinks and ways of playing.

Hello dear readers, today we got a sweet pup here. Rolo. Can you tell us a little about you? What do you all like, what are you into?

Hello readers, and big thanks to Seven for thinking of me for an interview.

To start about me, I’m a switchy Puppy/rubber boy, living with my partner (BlondiePup) in Dublin. I call myself the self-proclaimed Queen of the Pups of Ireland! Just a little joke with some of my puppy friends at home in Ireland… Which I like to think is in reference to my big personality.

I’ve been heavily involved within the puppy play group in Ireland for several years now, and I occasionally organise some events. I’m also running as a candidate for Mr Rubber Ireland 2021.

My kink adventure began in Chicago with some wonderful pups while I was living there for a year of study. I adored it so much I went back for a year of work once I finished my college education in Dublin.

The first kinks which really interested me were puppy play and rubber, and they are still my ‘go to’ for a kinky scene! I am into alot more but I find lists boring. I think kink is best explored with the individual (or people) you are playing with and there are some things that I will enjoy with one person, but it does not always mean I enjoy it with every person. It’s really about the dynamic and connection between me and the other people involved. Similarly, my preference for taking Alpha/Beta roles changes regularly and really depends from person to person.

Through being involved in the Pups of Ireland group, I’m a frequent attendee of regular events in the Irish fetish scene. I have also been touring the international events around the world, picking up new friends and play mates and getting a taste of what the rest of this wonderful kinky world has to offer!

What caught you about pup play and rubber when you first discovered it? What fascinated you back then, and has that fascination changed/transformed over the years?

I think what originally drew me to rubber was a follow on from a teenage interest in Lycra and all forms of tight gear. I have always loved the feel of wearing something completely skintight, perhaps linked to an idea of constriction that I also share in my enjoyment of bondage and immobilisation. I remember, when I was probably only 14 or 15, persuading my mum to buy me a set of Lycra sports gear for ‘rugby training’… When in reality I very rarely made it to training and really just wanted to have that gear to wear in my private time! I think what does it for me with rubber is the full body constriction.

However, as you suggested in your question, that interest in rubber has definitely developed to fit my fetish fashion sense. While I will always adore tight gear, you will now find in my rubber wardrobe some things which don’t fit the idea of skintight; capes, hats, jackets, etc, which I have picked up because I just thought they looked really cool. I’m big into working on my personal fetish style and I really adore finding pieces of gear that can match with my outfits. So in that sense yes my interest in rubber has transformed a little bit. To summarise, at it’s core my love is for the tightness, the sweatiness, and the style I can create for myself.

With regards to pup play, I think my interest stemmed from some initial negative feelings toward the fetish scene. When I first started to explore kink (mainly just browsing Recon/FetLife) I chatted online with alot of people, and I often found their ideas of kink to be, for a lack of a better word, too hardcore for me. I’m not a huge fan of verbal degradation and I think alot of the first people I spoke to online assumed I would want to be verbally abused (I originally started kink wanting to be a submissive).

While I love to tease and be teased verbally, I like this in a cute kind of way rather than being called degrading names and such. Puppy play in this sense appealed to me, it’s a kind of cute fetish. I love that when you are playing with a pup or as a pup it can be really sweet and adorable. Sure there’s plenty of room for some hardcore kinky fun too, but the idea of being a pup in many ways to me, is associated with the adorable.

I also love the primal animalistic nature of pup play, and this was a transformation in that kink interest which came after years of already being into it for it’s cuteness. When my versatile side began to develop and I began to really enjoy both Dom and sub elements of play. That’s when Alpha Pup Rolo was born!

I also love the primal animalistic nature of pup play, and this was a transformation in that kink interest which came after years of already being into it for it’s cuteness. When my versatile side began to develop and I began to really enjoy both Dom and sub elements of play. That’s when Alpha Pup Rolo was born!

When I take the role of alpha I jump into this primal snarling tough dog mode, if you find me in that mood I’ll most likely be trying to pin down and wrestle any puppies willing to play with me! Where as the more submissive pup role that I take is generally totally focused on trying to be cute and adorable, but also pretty cheeky and bratty.

Haha I know those moods 😉

You mentioned dynamics and how they’re important when playing between people. What does make a good dynamic for you? Do you have some special requirements or corner points etc?

Dynamics are everything, the connection I have with a specific person entirely dictates what kind of play I will and won’t want to engage in with them. There are some kinks (breath play for one) that I would only be willing to do with somebody I completely trust and respect.

Dynamics are born from my relationship with a person, do I see them as Dom or sub or can it go either way? Do I have an intimate relationship with them? Have I seen how they play before? Do I trust them?

It’s not to say that I won’t play with somebody I don’t know, I am often very happy to do just that. But it does change how I will play in both a Dom and a sub role, because a dynamic has not been previously developed.

For example; As Dom playing with somebody new, or inexperienced, or even just my first time playing with this person, I will be very cautious and careful. If I don’t know how somebody likes to play I will take it slow and build gradually into experimenting with them.

Safe words are important, and also being aware to watch their reactions and judge if they are comfortable with what I am doing to them. Some new kinksters can be reluctant to use a safeword for fear of ruining the scene for their more experienced play partner or are even just nervous to use it.

In this sense I think while safe words are great to establish it’s also important to watch a submissive partner and make your own adjustments based on reactions, especially of you are unfamiliar with how they like to play.

In the same vein, as a sub I will always try to have a discussion with my Dom partner about my limits before a scene, and if I don’t know the person well or haven’t played with them before I will make sure they know my safeword codes.

Dynamics don’t solely apply to strangers though, the most valuable dynamic is one built from an ongoing experience together. I have a huge spot in my heart for all of my play mates around the world and I thoroughly enjoy building relationships and dynamics with them. For me this is absolutely the best part of being in the kink community! This isn’t a suggestion for everyone to do, but for me personally I am more willing to experiment and drop safewords if I know and trust my partner. By building a relationship with someone I can trust, and who can trust me, to understand eachothers reactions, it allows us to push eachother in a scene as both a Dom and sub.

What makes a good dynamic for me? Mutual respect, at least a basic level of trust, mutual interests, chemistry, and the ability to enjoy eachothers personalities as they come through in our kinky play. Also the ability to surprise me with something I might be into.

Yeah, it’s great to get to the point where best safe words are just your honest reactions during play.You are quite engaged in the social circles of fetish in your area. What brought that, and what does it give you personally?

Yes, I’m definitely a social creature, and being involved in the fetish community has naturally led to many lasting friendships (both sexual and non-sexual). I think generally, most of the larger kink events have a huge focus on social elements, even those which also promote alot of play. It’s important to have friends in your community even if that community is one which is sexually charged. It’s important to feel comfortable, to be around those who you are at your best with.

I don’t think my social interest in kink is something which was brought on. The scene being what it is allowed my friendships to build naturally, the same as anyone makes friends in any other community.

I certainly enjoy purely social kink events just as much as I enjoy the ones where I get alot of sexual attention. In both of these scenarios I get to be myself, flaunt my gear and feel fabulous doing it! Kink spaces are safe spaces for me and people who know me both inside and outside of kink often remark how they see me change when I enter a fetish space. Being around like minded people affords me a confidence and feeling of comfortability.

What the social element of kink gives me, is honest, no-holds-barred friendships, where I can be myself, act like myself, and speak my mind freely without fear of judgement. Are there many people in this world who can say that about their friends in their communities? I think that is something very special about being part of and making friends in a liberated space.

I do understand that the fetish space has it’s issues for many people, with regards to gender, race, sexual identity, even body shaming. But I would like to think and believe that it is also host to a far larger proportion of liberal, understanding, non-discriminate people than alot of spaces outside in ‘the real world’. I think kinksters are generally more accepting people. I do draw from the experience of a cis-white male so I am cautious to over play how accepting the scene is as I come from a privilleged perspective, but to me it has been incredibly freeing to be part of.

Do you have anything that you’re still discovering/experimenting for yourself, or would like to experience once? Where do you think your kinky journey is taking you?

I believe with kink you’re always discovering, it sounds cliché but I’ll attempt to explain; take for example my own kink journey, I began as a submissive, and through my experiences figured out my way to thoroughly enjoy being a Dom also. From discovering a love for Lycra, to becoming rubber obsessed. These are broad examples of significant discoveries, but even small things are always being explored and uncovered.

Every partner you play with will have different wants, needs, kinks and ways of playing. Through experience I think there’s always room for discovery, any kinkster has the potential to show you something new that you like, even if it’s as small as figuring out you like when someone just whispers in your ear.

Recently my latest adventure of kink discovery has been pushing my time locked in chastity to longer than I’ve ever done before. I’m currently on day 9 and that’s smashed my last record. Kudos to anyone who has lasted hundreds of days like I see so much on social media!

I find with my kinky lifestyle I always sort of fixate on one kink for a while, at the moment it’s chastity, and when I feel ready to be unlocked I’ll probably jump back into a dominant mood and find my next obsession, perhaps as key holder? (My partner is in for it!)

I cycle through my interests and constantly pick up new ones, and even in some cases find I no longer like some kinks I used to. Like I said previously, my interests vary widely and often it is on a personal basis. As I’m sure it’s obvious from my style, I flag yellow but funnily enough I have a very select few people I actually enjoy watersports play with.

I am interested in growing a collection of leathers, for some fetishwear diversity and that beautiful leather smell! But, if there’s anything I must experience it would be with some more heavy duty gear. I have alot of outfits and accessories, and have invested in my kink fashion, but I haven’t yet experienced much of the big elaborate bondage rigs that I see some people using. That’s definitely on the bucket list! Though that being said I have enjoyed being strapped onto benches and St Andrews crosses in many a fetish bar over the years!

I hope to see my kink journey take me to the point where I earn the Mr Rubber title here in Ireland. That’s my next huge goal. I’d like to be a face for the community and try to be the best advocate that I can be for the scene both at home and on my travels. However a title isn’t the be all and end all. My investment in the Pups of Ireland means alot to me already and when this period of Covid lockdowns is finally over I hope to be able to jump back in and get active, both in participating in and helping to organise fun events with those wonderful pups.

Haha well that’s definitely something many will look forward to. I hope you get to organize them soon 😉 thank you for your time Rolo. It was a pleasure talking to you.

Thank you puppy, it was a lovely chat! I hope to catch up with you often, and have a very lovely kinky Christmas break 🥰

Pup Rolo


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Hey, I'm Se7en, one of the authors and guys behind sadOsam. I'm an all around kinky puppy that enjoys to explore new things and talk to interesting people. Don't be shy to hit me up if you like, I promise I won't bite. Fair warning though, I'm a slow replier, quite busy on here usually :)

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