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Pup Bentley: Being a pup has learnt me many things

sadOsam: Hey Bentley, thank you for sparing some time for us. You must be quite busy since becoming Mr. Puppy NL. People are coming to you for advice and you have the Mr Puppy EU contest coming up too. But before we go there, lets first get to know you a bit. Now, its pretty obvious to tell what you like from your title. But can you tell us a bit about about the why and how you into it? How did you discover pup play for you?

Different by Suus

Bentley: Well, first of all let me thank you for granting me an interview with you! Youre magazine is widely known, read and respected!

And I’ll admit life has been very hectic since I won my title, but I dont see it as a task, but as a privilege to be a spokesperson for my community and I’m humbled by it.
I got into pup-play about three years ago, during a darker time in my life. I suffer from PTSD and as a result started developing agorafobia and had issues making contact. In this time I met a man online, who introduced me to pup-play. And as i started reaching my headspace more, other things got less.
My PTSD has subsided quite a bit since and I still call the man that helped me discover it Alpha. In those three years, I’ve seen a lot change in the Dutch puppy scene, we went from 10-15 pups to around 80, most of which I know. I feel it my responsibility as a mister to get us known as much as possible, so I attend many events, both national as International events. I sometimes jokingly say I have two fulltime jobs, one that makes the money, one that spends it.


sadOsam: Haha well there are worse jobs than that one, and you certainly seem to be doing it good 😉  How did you come to participate in the Mr. Puppy competition?

Bentley: There most definitely are worse jobs! The day the Dutch election was announced, I immediately signed up, mainly to conquer some insecurities for myself and, you know, they would at least have one contestant! Hahahaha.
After signing up late july there was a long wait until Leather Pride in October, but it went by fast! The election started on the Friday night, with a meet&greet and the interviews at Mister B in Amsterdam, I was the first contestant to be interviewed, so I, I admit, was nervous. But I managed to get through it! As some of the readers will know, the interview is about you, your story and your message and goals. The saturday was the puppy part of the election. How you are in a group, do you interact well etc. This i wasnt nervous for, because why would you be nervous if something is fun!
A lot of the details of the day and evening are blurry, you get such a massive rush from winning that everything becomes blurry! It took me two days to get down on my feet again! But its so much fun!


Photo by Max Samauth
sadOsam: Sounds like you had a great time there. And now you have something similar coming up again with the Mr Puppy EU election, don’t you? Are you already excited?
Bentley: I do have the EU competition coming! And yes, I’m very excited! I was lucky to be able to travel to London a few weeks ago and meet Piglet there, as we’re opposing countries, but its all good fun. There have been some bitchy tweets going back and forth, but the DM’s are all lovely and supportive of eachother. We’re both very lucky to be allowed to represent two awesome and warm communities.
I am slowly starting to get in the competition spirit and getting more excited as it gets closer! Ive started campaigning a bit and preparing my performance. Which i will keep secret for now!

sadOsam: Really? Not even a tiny little tease?*looks with big puppy eyes*Pleaaase?…  😉 Its great to hear you and Piglet are both on good terms with each other. A good competition should always be friendly and fun. You’ve said that you initially signed up the NL competition to overcome your insecurities. Do you think that worked? Did becoming Mr Puppy NL have impact on how you and other people perceive yourself/you? And would becoming Mr. Puppy EU would have one too?

Bentley: Puppy eyes dont work on me, pup! I’m immune! The title has helped me get over a slight anxiety of talking to strangers, i have to now! People need to know what pup-play is all about! So yes, it definitely helped! And I now finally travel a bit more! Even if its not all that far, but spending a weekend or two a year in London, one in Berlin, one in antwerp etc to most is a dream. I get to do it and I get to meet awesome people on the way! Yes, its a dreamjob! And as Mister Puppy EU I can travel even more, meet more pups and more awesome people! The title has also been an awesome motivation to look my best, since ive won ive been hitting the gym more, watched what I eat and am seeing results, which of course motivates more!
Photo by Max Samauth

sadOsam: Damn, too bad hehe;) Naw, its seems the competitions made you an even better “good pup”. That is great. You mentioned spreading what pup play is all about. Can you answer this question to our readers as well? How would you explain pup play to them?

Bentley: I try to be a good pup, but its not always easy! I can try to explain what it means to me, because its different for everypup. To me pupplay is about letting go and having fun. The minute I put on my mask and get into headspace I dont think, I just do. If I wanna sniff butt, I sniff butt. If I wanna fetch, I fetch. I don’t overthink things as Bentley, its far more of primal reaction. Im a very playful and happy pup. But also very protective of my pack. And lets not forget strongheaded… If Bentley doesnt want to do it, Bentley wont do it. Bentley has learned me things too, i dont overthink things too much anymore for one.
All in all, as i said, pup-play is different for everyone. There are very subby pup, BDSM pups, leather pups, rubber pups, sportswear pups and so on. Our diversity makes us strong.
I wanna leave it at be yourself and own it. Dont let anyone tell you what you can and cant be. Youre you and not someone else! Stay awesome!
sadOsam: Those are some good words to end on. It was a real pleasure talking to you, you are a great pup with a great personality and I wish you all the best with the election.
Hey, I'm Se7en, one of the authors and guys behind sadOsam. I'm an all around kinky puppy that enjoys to explore new things and talk to interesting people. Don't be shy to hit me up if you like, I promise I won't bite. Fair warning though, I'm a slow replier, quite busy on here usually :)

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