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My Boyfriend Is A Porn Model

An interview with Cole Claire (19), a LGBT blogger and boyfriend of porn actor Zach Taylor.

MasterMarc: Hi Cole. You are a young boy and author of a political LGBT blog. People could think that you’re a serious guy and serious guys are  for many people just boring. But you aren’t. You have a kinky side and you have reached something, a lot of people are dreaming about. You are the boyfriend of a porn actor. How is it, to share your boyfriend with the fantasies of so many guys?

Cole: Haha, I’m definitely not “boring” as some people may say. I’m down to get dirty in my spare time just like everyone else. As for being the boyfriend of a famous porn model, I can see how it seems as if I share my boyfriend with his fans and in some ways I guess I do. For instance our social media outlets allow both of us to interact with fans on a more personal level. I however, see his model persona and his real persona completely different. The Zach Taylor that his fans know him as is similar to him as the real person, but also different. As Zach Taylor, it’s important for his fans to see him charged with sexual activity and believe me, THEY DO. 😉

MasterMarc: But the big difference between a porn movie and real life is, that you can’t fast-forward to the next highlight. Is it really so easy to share him with the fans and to know, that he is part of so many wet dreams of porn watchers and that he has sex with other hot boys on the set?

Cole: Well, in real life we get to enjoy the sweet “boyfriend moments” that include only the two of us. We do post personal moments on our twitter accounts, but we do have a personal life that is just between the two of us. I honestly feel like I don’t share him. He has a job and I respect and support that job. When it comes to “having sex with other hot boys on set” I know that in the end, it’s just sex. There’s no personal relationship between the models he films with (except for the occasional friendship with a scene partner, which I don’t mind) and at the end of the day, he’s only there to film and then he’s coming home to me.


MasterMarc: That sounds a little like a desperate house wife. 🙂 It’s not important that my husband is fucking his assistant because at the end he is eating at home. So I have won. 🙂  

Cole: Haha, I’m definitely not just a housewife, but I respect his career. He’s making a name for himself in the industry.

MasterMarc: Hehe. Ok, you know, I have to ask also about your sexual life. As porn actor you’re boyfriend has to have a 24/7 hard-on 🙂 … so your sexual life has to be really satisfying. Ok, I know that is the porn view and not the real life. I think for the moment we have talked enough about him, now it is about you! What are you into?

Cole: See, this is where it gets funny, in my opinion anyways. Before Zach, I didn’t consider myself a bottom. I had bottomed once or twice before and I didn’t enjoy it all that much. Now however, I can’t even consider myself a top. I’m a bottom/vers, because once I started bottoming for Zach, I got hooked! Being a top isn’t bad, but I absolutely love it when my man can go straight in and obliterate my prostate. As for kinkiness, I’ve been spanked and I enjoy it on occasion, but definitely not every time we have sex (which is one to three times a day by the way!). We’ve toyed with the notion of getting handcuffs and/or rope to tie me up with, but we haven’t done anything like that so far. Also, yes he’s got a very thick hard-on all the time. 😉


MasterMarc: I am not surprised that you are a bottom but I am a little surprised that Zach is such a top. 🙂 Would have thought that the doubledildo is the third compleating your relationship. 🙂 Are you just a bottom or would you say, that you are submissive in sex, that you like to be used as toy boy?

Cole: Haha, he is definitely more of a top and I’m definitely more of a bottom. I wouldn’t say I’m a necessarily submissive person, because as our fans have seen in our chaturbate shows, I can be an aggressive top. I will say that when I bottom, I like when he’s more aggressive/rough.

Yeah I actually think it’s funny that so many people think Zach is a bottom. We think the main reason for his is that he’s mostly been asked to bottom in his scenes (except for a few topping scenes here and there). I know he’s excited to show off more of his topping skills soon though. Who wouldn’t be with a dick his size??

MasterMarc: You have told us, that you have some kinky experiences and that you love it hard. Do you have some sexual practice in your head you haven’t tried yet and you want to explore?

Cole: I do want to at least see what it feels like to be tied up and fucked mercilessly, to be completely honest. I’ve also seen these “slings” that people are using for the bottom to sit or lay in while the top dominates them… Um yeah I think that would be fun to try also. I don’t think I’ll ever be into paddles or any hardcore spanking, I just like it when he slaps my ass a few times before or during sex.


MasterMarc: Belive me, you can become addicted of it and than you want always more. 🙂 Probably I have to show Zach how to be a master. 🙂 To be honest as much as you have told me I am sure, that you have had the wanking fantasy of being captured, tied up and being gangbanged and abused by a group of guys. 🙂

Cole: I’ve thought of gangbangs before — just imagining it and I can honestly say I don’t think I’d enjoy it. I like the one-on-one sex with my boyfriend that is sweet and romantic while still able to be hot and steamy.

MasterMarc: Hehe, I see you’re becomming serious. 🙂 … what a pity … Ok, i can’t finish this interview without asking you about your LGBT blog. Can you tell us, what you’re writing in it and what your aim is?

Cole: Honestly my aim is to be a commentator on issues regarding the LGBT community. Of course, I’m biased and will definitely shout my own opinions from the rooftops, but the main goal is to provide news, topics, and facts to my readers that may or may not affect them. Regardless, I hope they enjoy it.

MasterMarc: I really hope you have success with it and that you have the success you deserve. Last but not least again a question about your relationship. How is it to know that many people want to have your boyfriend as their boyfriend but you are the ONE who has him and he is yours?

Cole: I feel lucky to be able to call him mine and know that they may fantasize about him, but that he wants me in the end. 🙂


Visit Cole’s/Rooster’s LGBT blog

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