Chirenon presents a kinky photo story!
Click here to see all published chaptiers of “The Reduction of Loan Harrington”.

After a month of transgenic therapy, Logan is completely cured. But the Degressol has radically transformed the from body builder from powerful muscle stud to helpless waif, leaving Logan embarrassed and humiliated about his own body.
Note: All of the source photos used in the making of this episode were drawn from adult porn sites with all models 18+. Apparent age regression is entirely an effect of Photoshop. The character of Logan Harrington is 25 years old. The idea of the Degressol fetish is for an adult to feel the helplessness of physical regression.
Click here to see all published chaptiers of “The Reduction of Loan Harrington”.

The expanded images aren’t loading. I can’t read the comic.
Thank you. The bug should be fixed now.