Hello Yoshi Kawasaki. I think after all the publicity for the Fetish Week London, almost everyone in the kinky world know your face. How was the Fetish Week for you? A lot of fun, I think. Tell us a little about your experiences.
Hi MasterMarc. I am so honoured to be featured in Fetish Week London 2015. Last year, my good friend, BastilleXXX (@blkbastille), introduced me to the world of fetish. I was always into bondage and S&M but never knew there was more depth in it. And then I had a chance to model for Recon. This whole experience gave me an opportunity to try out something new. I am more and more into leather and rubber gear than ever, as I designed my own rubber gear. In addition to it, now barefoot and eating sweaty armpit and arse turns me on as well, which I would never have expected to be interested in.
You really seem to be a kinky Japanese. I like that. Yes, I have seen several of your pics and they look great. Also on the fetish week a lot of people have been watching you. It seems that they have liked what they have seen. How have you become a fetish model?
I’d always wanted to become a porn model, but I thought it would be handy enough to have a non-porn model option as well. One day I and BastilleXXX were playing around with camera taking pics, and he suggested me to do a proper photoshoot as a model. That was my very first work as a model and also very first photoshoot with Recon.
I do not only fetish, but also other model jobs as well, like artistic, erotic, fashion etc. However, I certainly feel much more relaxed and confident in fetish gear. I think that’s because I’m not acting when I’m in them. Just like the cover pictures for QX Men Magazine or Dirty Boys Magazine. I am a natural-born puppy, I suppose, haha.

Hehe, it seems as you have found a way to earn money with what you really like to be and do. Of course, it is not an easy job, it is hard work, but it can also be fun. How was the feeling as you have been for the first time on a porn movie set, and you have known, that in some minutes you have to perform and having sex in front of all the people?
Of course, I got nervous for the first time before the camera. But I’m a bit of an exhibitionist. (Have posted a video of me jerking off on a balcony once on my XTube) I love being watched, especially by strangers, while fucking or getting fucked so actually being watched turns me on even harder, made me moan louder made my cock harder.
You really seem to be a dirty little bastard. What are the things you really like at your job? And what is your aim as a porn model?
I love a lot of things in gay porn. But what I love the most about my job is that my job makes your fantasies come true. One day you’re a police officer and fucking a criminal with your buddy, the next day you’re a prisoner and getting fucked by a couple of hunky prison guards.
I think Asians are virtually unknown in the gay porn industry, and I would like to change that. I personally haven’t seen many famous Asian porn models. It is my dream and aim to fill this void and become a notable and famous Asian porn star.

Your dreams probably come true. We hope it for you. You seem to be a real kinky guy. How would YOUR porn film look like, a porn in which you are a storybook writer, director and actor at the same time?
I have a lot of ideas or fantasies I would like to become true! And all of them are more or less kinky. haha, But my ultimate fantasy would be taken place in a dungeon or some kind of shed. On the wall of the place there’s a big hole. From the big hole, you can see only my feet tied up against the wall and ass like I’m in a sling. From you, you can’t see my face or even the upper half of my body, all you hear is me moaning behind the wall and from me, all I can see is the wall and nothing else. I don’t even know what kind of guy’s fucking me now. Of course, my hands and face are tied as well. The concept is that a bunch of guys just use my ass with no mercy just like I’m some fuck hole, cum dump, piss pod or some sort. I can’t stop talking about my kinky imagination. Haha
You don’t have to stop because it sounds nice and horny. 🙂 I am sure, that a lot of people are interested, what kind of man do you like. Do you have there any no-go?
I LOVE male features. As long as they have cocks and asses for me to eat and fuck, basically no boundary ? Of course, there are guys I particularly like. It used to be bulky, muscular guys, but these days I found skinny hairy guys really attractive. Especially ones with dominant attitude and manly smell. I could just rub my face in their crotch, armpit and barefoot all day. Haha
For how long are you now living your kinks and how have you discovered, that you need more than just vanilla? What have been your first steps into kinky action?
It’s been about a year now since I was introduced to kinks. Although I had been very interested in bondage and S&M when I was little, never actually had a chance to experience it.
When I went to England, I met Blkbatille on Grindr and one night I visited his house. My heart was beating hard, and I opened the door naked apart from my boots and harness. His cock was rock hard and as soon as I entered his house, he forced me to my knees to suck his pierced cock. He put me in leather gear then we went to a sex club in South London, he locked me on a sling and after his rough fuck, left me in there. And don’t remember how many cocks I took that night. That was my first step of kink. From then if I was completely hooked
Don’t get me wrong, I like vanilla sex too. With cuddle and kiss. But being used as an object turns me on even more.

Tender moments are part of SM too. There is nothing what we could get wrong, boy. You’re Japanese, and now you’re living in Europe. How do you like Europe, how long will you stay and what do you do beside your model and porn jobs?
It’s such a cliché to say this, but very different from where I come from and interesting. The people, the culture all the difference, The more I know, the more fascinate they become.
I’ll be in Barcelona for a year, and who knows? I might stay here, go to another country in Europe or even travel to America.
So at the moment, I’m looking for something I can feel enthusiastic about other than porn and modelling.
Hehe, I can imagine that it is different. How is the gay scene in Japan and how the fetish community?
Gay scene in Japan is pretty active, I think. Not as active as some European countries. However, slowly but steadily becoming bigger and bigger, luckily.
Since I haven’t really come back to Japan, I don’t know what the fetish community in Japan is like. But I want to be part of it in the future and would be great to spread the pleasure of Fetish!!
At the moment, you’re checking out the business to plan your new engagements. Do you have any projects and labels you would like to work for, and why?
At the moment, I’m trying to get in touch with some American companies. KINKMEN.COM is one of the companies that I am very keen to work with. Their movies are extremely hot, and the quality is also very high.
When it comes to kink and fetish, I think CAZZO FILM is one of the bests, definitely. Their movies always make horny. The concept they come up with is like the kinkiest fantasy you could possibly imagine.
I think a lot of our readers would like to see you suffer and be used in one of the kinkmen movies. 😉 We wish you all the best for your career. I am sure we will talk again soon.
Thank you. It was a pleasure to talk about my projects. And you, dudes, check out my hot movies I have done with UKHotJocks. And there are much more to come in the near future, so don’t miss out!!
Yoshi Kawasaki

It was great to read this interview with Yoshi. I’ve seem in a few films & he is gorgeous, sexy & very kinky. I hope to see naked & getting fucked him in lots more scenes soon.