Hi Make2Tamago. Long time without talking. Today we present the first chapter of your kinky story “Twink Spy in Prison”. What was your motivation to illustrate a story about prison? What is for you the special attraction of it?
Hello MasterMarc, since my childhood I was fascinated of spy stories and to be honest I wanted to have my own little spy in my life. As an illustrator you are in the great position to visualize your fantasies and here it is, the new kinky story of the twink spy who has got jailed. Hope you will like my work which plays in a very special environement.
I think it is a fetish fantasy many people have. Of course real prison is not nice but to get restricted and also the idea of sexual abuse and violence seems to have an attraction for many kinksters. Why do you think that this is something so many people sees as hot even if reality is totally different?
The prison seems to be one of the environements in our world in which a lot of feelings and sensations sm people are looking for seem to be realistic as we don’t live anymore in a society of Masters and slaves. In prison your liberties get totaly shut down. You are devlivered to the authorities and also to other prisoners. It’s a survivel of the fittest. Restrictions, rules and punishments are part of the daily life. And do you know any jail story without sexual abuse? It seems to be part of the jail subculture, or at least in the fantasy of the storybook writers. Even if these elements gives a sexual attraction to me I’m more than happy that it isn’t an experience which i’ve ever had to live.
If people see the style of your illustrations it seems to be clear that you’re a Japanese artist. Can you explain us, why in Japanese cartoons and mangas the characters seems always to be quite young?
That really seems to be a cultural difference between Europe, the USA and Japan. It has nothing to do with paedophilia. The reason is that we have grown up with stories in which young and inexperienced characters are growing with their experiences and battles to become a hero. Someone who seems to be weak becomes more and more the guy every child and every manga fan wants to be. It is fantasy and not reality.
Other important keywords which a story have to include are friendship, effort and victory. Big publishers like for example Shonen Jump, Japan’s most famous manga magazine, would never publish a story if these elements aren’t part of the cartoon. And you know how it is as artist, the cooperation of the publishers is important for your surviving, so you have to respont to the publishers’ requests.

Chapter 1: Welcome to Your New Home
There have been many rumours about this prison lately. Accidents, sudden disappearance of certain prisoners… The Ministry of Justice decided to start an investigation, and sent one of their best infiltrators: Twink Spy!

Sneaking into the facility was easy for Twink Spy. It never even crossed the guards minds that he could be anything different than a just a new lowlife-turned-prisoner for them to take care of.
“Don’t worry small guy, we’ll get rid of your criminal attitude soon enough here. Better prepare yourself! Ha ha.”, they roared as they dragged him down the hall to his new quarters.

The guards continued to smile, but the closer they got to their destination, the more warped and sinister these smiles became. And when they reached Twink spy’s cell, without warning, they gabbed him from behind and held him in position. “You know”, one of them whispers in his ear ominously, “in this prison there we inspect the inmates regularly for hidden drugs and weapons… and we do so thoroughly.”

“You have a cute face, almost like a girls. And you even smell good too… your new prisonmates will be excited to get to know you for sure.” The Prison Officer inserts his unwashed finger into the spy’s mouth and stirs it around wildly while licking his ear with his slimy tongue.

“Criminals like you usually hide their weapons here. We gotta investigate this place especially thorough” The guards rip off twink spy’s pants and hold him down. Twink Spy was an expert in martial arts, but the position he was in left him too open and defenseless, and the guards were large and massive. One of them lets his dirty spit drool on his hole on the agent’s ass. “Don’t worry, I’ll wet your hole enough so you won’t suffer too much.”

“You’re lucky, Bob (the fat officer) seems to have taken a liking to you ha ha. It always pays off to be on the guards good side. Too bad he’ll also break your ass with his fat dick when he gets it inside.” Twink agent couldn’t turn around enough, but Bob’s dick was so ripe with smegma and stinky salive he could smell it getting closer. “I’m going to investigate your deepest parts. Better clench your teeth, small guy¨”

Just as Bob wants to take Twink Spy’s ass for himself, the cell door flies open, and a younger officer rushes in with a hasted, concerned expression. “Bob, quick, you have to come down to the cantina area. The prisoners are rioting!”
Bob turns around to him, his still full-on hard member swinging with him, his face a dumb, unhappy and gorillish grimace. “What the fuck!? Out of all times…”
The young guy continued: “I’m going to take over here. You got to get down there. They need you. Fast!”
The two officers rushly put back on their pants and quickly ran out the holding area, still grumbling and cursing.

Twink spy’s crisis was over. But he was left wondering. “What the hell is going on in this prison? The guards are corrupt to their bones?!”
“I managed to save you this time. But you’ve got to watch out for them.”, the young officer spoke in a calming voice, and put his hand on Twink Spy’s shoulder, as if trying to be comforting. But it almost felt too close a gesture for just comforting to Twink Spy. And it let him feel his unspoken question answered to another degree.

Eventually, Twink Spy managed to shrug him of, put his shirt back on and went out of the cell. He thought about his mission. He needed to investigate and find out more about these abnormal circumstances here, and report it all to the ministry. But it must be done without arousing suspicion. How should he proceed?

Twink spy was in a dark mood. What he had to do was not a good thing at all. But it had to be done to achieve his goal. He went to the cell next door. “Hi, good evening.”, he greeted the guy in there with a sweet, innocent voice. The prisoner looked dumbfounded by this sudden visitor. “Huh? Who are you?”

Without considering his question Twink Spy continued to smile and say: “Hey, let’s play rock-paper-scissors!” This let the prisoner become even more confused. “What?” … “One, Two, Three…”

“ROCK!” Suddenly, the prisoners face found itself greeted by Twink Spy’s fist. He was blown from his bed and fell backwards on the floor. Twink Spy immediately jumped onto him and continued to pummel is face into the ground. “123Rock! 123Rock! Rock! Rock! Rhoooohoooock!”

Was it really a good idea to cause problems on his first day in prison to get to know more secrets? Find out in the next chapter of Meke2Tamagos kinky story on KINKFINITY.