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Andrew Martin

Articles by this author

Super Bowl Party (9)

I figure the best way to wait for Danny and Garrett would be on my knees, so I'm kneeling facing the door when they finally come into the bathroom to enjoy their "prize." "Well, well, well," Danny says....

Super Bowl Party (7+8)

The first quarter comes to a close, and I haven't done too much yet. But I also know Master Rob has some kind of grand postgame plan, so taking one load of piss, one load of cum...

Super Bowl Party (6)

So the game finally starts and I am sitting on an ottoman off to the side of the sofas and chairs Master Rob and his guests occupy. Aside from replacing empty beer bottles I haven't done much, but I...

Super Bowl Party (5)

I remain kneeling, ass dripping with Master Rob's precious juice, for a few moments, almost as if I am waiting for his car to leave the building's parking lot before I get up. The biggest problem I have when...

Super Bowl Party (3+4)

Food shopping might not be everyone's idea of fun, but I've always kind of liked it. That's especially true when I'm shopping for items to make for Master Rob's party, as it just seems so much more important when...

Super Bowl Party (1+2)

Master Rob never made a request quite like this one. Ever since I gave him a key to my loft apartment, he usually just came over, got what he wanted and was on his way. Not cruel or overly...