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We use PayPal to collect subscriptions and donations. It accepts your PayPal account or also Credit Card directly. Should you prefer another form of transfer, feel free to contact us per e-mail.
To be honest, Covid has fucked us up …. For several years already sadOsam provides free kink content for everyone. It started as small private website and has since become one of the biggest gay fetish resources on the web. While wonderful and great, that also brought it’s drawbacks. The work and costs become more and more too. Now with Covid sadly our cross-financing possibilities got reduced. We need your help to keep sadOsam alive and available for everyone!
We provide a lot of kink content. It is important to us to show the variety of kink life and to show also the entertaining and fun aspects of kink life.
But even more important we consider the insights and background information you can find on sadOasm.
This guidance is even more paramount for rookies exploring the kink world, and it matters to keep such information available to them.
We do not want to beg for alms, but think we also offer a lot, and plan to create even better sadOsam for everyone, with more video content, quicker and better page design, article projects and more with your support.
We build on your fairness and goodwill, and hope that you want to support us, as you’d also do for good newspapers or dating platforms.
Of course we are aware that not everyone can offer financial contribution. And that’s completely fine. We are glad already you are a fan. And should you want to help us otherwise, with article or technical support etc, to make sadOsam even more interesting, by all means, contact us, that would be awesome. (Contact Form)
Every donation will help and we appreciate it sincerely. But even more you can help us with a small monthly subscription. That would keep us going and enable us to create things longterm.
2020 was a year to write into history books. People staying in their homes, and many companies faced with challenges. And although at least the real world reality tv show has calmed down a little, things still haven’t really gone back to normal yet in 2021.
You guys know, we mostly try to keep at bay with such topics.
As you may have read somewhere on here already, sadOsam originally started out of a hobby for the few of us, with the desire to show and better the view of fetish. That is our focus.
And over time, what was once only a small website now grew up into a big online magazine. The reception we receive from you guys honestly is amazing and inspiring, and it keeps us going. But with page growth also come other things.
In the last years we put a lot of money and even more work in the build-up, maintenance and operation of sadOsam. We happily did so, as we said, it is a lot of fun for us, and Fetish and SM are quite an important topic in our own lives as well. We truly love to bring something to the community.
However, over time, with a larger and larger part of ours both time- and moneywise being dedicated to sadOsam, we had to decide whether we slow down our efforts or find other ways of covering the increasing workloads.
Because although it was never the primary goal of ours, and we continuously still wanted to create fun things while informing and entertaining you, our readers, sadOsam became just so big we wanted and needed to make it at least sustainable for all the effort put into it by the few of us. That’s why we started to try to subsidize it with advertising offers.
But, as said above, the times are challenging. Companies are, very understandably, holding back on all possible expenses at the moment to keep themselves afloat. And due to that, many newspapers and media are falling on hard times right now with not getting advertisers.
sadOsam is no exception to that sadly. We continued to put our money into it, but with Corona slimming down our other subsidization possibilities, while we hoped to get through it with our reserves, we had to realize: It won’t be enough.
We want to keep our content free and available for everyone, and as much as possible avoid becoming a complete subscription magazine, especially with being a knowledge resource for fetish newcomers.
sadOsam should be a place where they can find serious info and good examples of a positive lived fetish lifestyle. Therefore we have to look for other alternatives to keep being able to pay our growing server, code, software bills and other costs. (Which are, again, also great as feedback in a way, as that shows, you guys keep visiting and coming back more!).
In other online communities and platforms you have to pay for subscriptions to access their full offers. These subscriber fees do for a big part finance their business and maintentance costs. To realize something like that for a magazine is quite difficult without excluding beginners and young people, which we think to be the people especially in need of the content and information we can provide them. That’s why we want to try to build on voluntariness and ask you:
Help us to keep sadOsam available for everyone!
Of course, we do not plan on not doing anything with what you guys give to us. Your support not only would help to keep sadOsam alive. We also have quite a few things planned in our queue, among them more video content and tutorials of high quality, redesigns, article projects and more. Your contributions would help us to use our time for these projects.
So you not only enable us to keep sadOsam afloat, but improve it even for all the ones who visit it in the future.
Let’s keep sadOsam alive and make it an even better fetish place!
Once upon a time …. It was more or less in the year 2004 as MasterMarc started with his website called GAYSADE. In the beginning it was a typical homepage of a kinkster, very basic and showing more or less just his activities.
More and more he included general information about fetish and sm on it. The page was in German and it was well known for this time.
After being recognised at places he was never before, he started to put his own pictures down. “I love to be known by people who should know me, but I’m not a guy who enjoys the stage! I like to have the control in the background.”
So it has become more and more a website with general information about fetish and sm and a collection of experiences from different kinksters.
After 8 years he stopped the project because he hasn’t have had enough time for it beside his day job. During the next three years many people have asked him to restart his website project again. In the year 2015 he started to build up a new website: sadOsam.
But the idea of the project has changed a little. Meanwhile there are many website and platforms with pictures and videos which helps you to get a good wank on the web but there aren’t many pages with serious information about fetish and sm.
sadOsam wants to provide serious information, background news, insights but also entertainment around fetish and sm. Really important are the information for newbies, to help and motivate them to live their kinks.